Episode 28: Scion Origin Character Creation

In which Dixie and Eddy make characters for Matthew’s Scion: Origin chronicle.

* Dixie found some first edition Aberrant stuff
* Awkward silence song!
* But first, some banter (if you want to jump to character creation, it starts around 19:30)
* We talk about… clothing?
* Matthew is a Watchmen hipster
* How cosplay can make you feel powerful
* A brief history of Scion
* Matthew is the Storyguide, Dixie and Eddy are playing
* We’ll be posting the first game session somewhere
* Setting: Miami, Florida
* Character concepts
* Deeds: short, long, and Band
* Storyguide advice: How to make sure characters work together
* Choosing divine parents and pantheons
* Oh, and character names
* Origin, Role, and Pantheon Paths
* Skills and what Skills actually mean
* How Storypath makes competant characters
* Attributes and Approaches
* Callings and Knacks
* Eddy missed a step
* Tweaks and Connections
* Future pantheons

* Work from Home Article: https://guacamoley.com/the-scoop/2018/11/25/wall-street-journal-article-about-what-to-wear-if-you-work-from-home-has-people-rolling-their-eyes/
* Scion Preorder: https://scion-2nd-edition-tabletop-rpg.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders






2 responses to “Episode 28: Scion Origin Character Creation”

  1. Iceblade44 Avatar

    Huh so you guys will be part of Matthew’s game? Didn’t expect that. Hope you guys have an awesome blast

  2. Iceblade44 Avatar

    Ah just commenting on the 2 extra knacks at the end of character creation that Eddy missed, just noting that it isnt the only thing that you can pick, you can choose to pick 2 extra knacks or you could have 4 dots of Birthrights though I don’t actually think Birthrights get rules in Origin so yeah the 2 knacks are probably easier. Just throwing this out there for anyone listening