The Prince’s Gambit v2

Version Two of the Prince’s Gambit is ready for playtest! As ever, if you have feedback, please leave it below, or in the comments at the Google Drive Rules file.

Changes For This Iteration

  • Clans and special abilities for them
  • Additional 1-Praxis Intrigues to change the frequency and distribution of Intrigues
  • It’s easier for the Sabbat to win (7 Praxis versus 10 for the Camarilla victory)
  • Minor adjustments and fixes, including Prestige tie resolution and markers for player seats
  • Added number of players required to Intrigue cards

Version Notes

The Clans were originally intended to impose a starting set of Traits on the player, but this iteration leaves that out. I’d rather allow the players the leeway to play against clan stereotypes and see what emergent combinations arise than cleave to a strict archetypical presentation of the clans. If players figure out clever interactions between the special abilities and the Traits, that’s a better outcome than a strictly defined starting condition.

The Praxis points required for a sect victory changed because it was too hard for the Sabbat to achieve victory with a 10-point goal, given that they pretty rapidly incriminate themselves when Intrigues include them and they sabotage. With the inclusion of more 1-Praxis Intrigues, Sabbat players have more chances to build trust and there’s more data to serve as “noise” and make players doubt their fellows.

Getcher Downloadable Prototype Files Here

V2 Card Fronts

V2 Card Backs

V2 Rules



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