Category: Monday Meeting

  • Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Wood! [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Wood! [Monday Meeting Notes]

      It’s not our oldies prog-rock band, oh no. Tomorrow (or today if you read this on the day after we post it), Tuesday the 27th, the Kickstarter for Exalted 3rd‘s Dragon-Blooded deluxe edition starts at 12 noon Eastern US time! Since I went to great (or not so great, depending on your point of…

  • Dragon Blood From a Stone [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Dragon Blood From a Stone [Monday Meeting Notes]

    After last week’s in-depth meeting notes extravaganza,  this week is pretty much going to be very focused on our upcoming Dragon Blooded Kickstarter that starts next week on Tuesday the 27th at 12noon EDT in the US! The reason I want to devote this week’s blog to the DB KS is that it’s no big…

  • Monday Lunch Meeting Notes Notes [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Monday Lunch Meeting Notes Notes [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Bit of a “meta” start for this edition of the MMN, as I just want to let folks in on how our Monday Meeting is running and the sort of topics generally covered, and the specific ones we talked about this week. Except for the [REDACTED] ones. Bit o’ history, for folks coming new to…

  • March Marches On [Monday Meeting Notes]

    March Marches On [Monday Meeting Notes]

    At the end of last week, we finished up the Kickstarter campaign for the new Trinity Continuum core book, and the Trinity Continuum: Aeon book. We pretty much unlocked a Stretch Goal a day, and built out two PDFs for backers; an Aeon Aexpansion containing added info on more cool parts of the TC:Aeon setting,…

  • Three Reasons To Try the Trinity Continuum… [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Three Reasons To Try the Trinity Continuum… [Monday Meeting Notes]

    …And back the Kickstarter! Using the classic Aeon Trinity motto: Hope, Sacrifice, Unity! Reason #1: HOPE We’re not talking about a shiny-happy ending to every game here, but that one of the base precepts of the Continuum is that efforts produce results. It’s a continuum of settings with some of them being very dark indeed,…

  • Strange Aeons [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Strange Aeons [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Yep, we’re at that strange part of the Trinity Continuum: Aeon Kickstarter, the part where things kind of plod along with a pledge here and there. (So I’ve included this new art above to kind of be the totem of shaking things up and making some action happen!) Amazingly, it took us until three-quarters of…

  • Canis Minor-ly [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Canis Minor-ly [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Why yes, first Canis Minor is a constellation. Constellations are groups of stars…in SPACE. Can you see where this is going? Trinity Continuum: Aeon has a whole lot of space action and exploration, and we’ve reached the part of the Kickstarter where we will start unlocking the full text to TC: Aeon in stages for…

  • To the Stars! And Back to the Ground. [Monday Meeting Notes]

    To the Stars! And Back to the Ground. [Monday Meeting Notes]

        Yes, we have zoomed to the stars! The Trinity Continuum: Aeon Kickstarter has funded and six days in we’re actually over 200% funded and we have over 1200 backers! It is so thrilling to read the response from not only our old Trinity fans, thanks to every one of you for keeping the…

  • At Long Last, Continuum! [Monday Meeting Notes]

    At Long Last, Continuum! [Monday Meeting Notes]

    The Trinity Continuum, that is. This is a big, big, thing for us here at Onyx Path. You see, back in the dim mists of time, we at the original White Wolf set out to create a new universe besides the World of Darkness. Some of us wanted to explore different genres, and already we…

  • Pushin’ Through the Cold to Get to the Cake! [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Pushin’ Through the Cold to Get to the Cake! [Monday Meeting Notes]

    Probably shouldn’t have binge-watched the new season of Twin Peaks while still feverish from the flu last week (I had some crazy extended dreams!), but it did remind of how awesome and genuinely a good guy Agent Cooper is. And we could use some of that in our lives. This phenomenal show, that was a…