Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: A Quantum Leap: A Jumpstart for the Trinity Continuum Core Rules
“Potential is everywhere. You can’t really see it, but you can feel it. And all you really need to do is reach out, grab that potential in your hand, and bend it to your will. Nothing goes wrong if you just use your potential. I know it sounds easy. I can’t really tell you how to do it. But when you do, you’ll just know.”
— Janeka Spencer,
Neptune Foundation first responder
This jumpstart has everything you need to start playing an adventure in the Trinity Continuum, including:
- All the rules you need from Trinity Continuum
- A full adventure, “A Quantum Leap,” ready to run
- Five ready-made characters for players to pick up and play

Also available from DriveThruRPG in print on demand for Trinity Continuum: Æon: Terra Firma!
Bleeding Edge Dangers and Ancient Mysteries!
Terra Firma expands the setting of Trinity Continuum: Æon by revealing some of the many wonders and secrets found on Earth and Luna, while also providing Storytellers with the material they require to set exciting campaigns on either of these two worlds.
Terra Firma requires both the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook and Trinity Continuum: Æon to play. Inside, you will find:
- Further information about 10 nations previously discussed in Trinity Continuum: Æon, including a detailed look at an important city in each nations.
- Details on threats facing Earth, including revolutionary movements, dangerous cults, and criminal gangs.
- An exploration of some of the strange, and often deadly, mysteries found on Earth and Luna — from the ancient and terrible Gorgon Karst caves beneath eastern Europe to the bizarre Hadley Rille Anomaly on Luna.
- New technologies used on Earth, examples of the many strange and powerful relics of the Nova Age, as well as new Edges and Paths specifically for the inhabitants of Earth and Luna.
Kickstarter Update
Coming soon to Kickstarter:

Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
- Scion: Scion: Demigod
- They Came from Beyond the Grave!: They Came from Beyond the Grave!
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
- Legendlore: Legendlore
- Vampire: The Masquerade: Cults of the Blood Gods
- Mage: The Ascension: Technocracy Reloaded
- Chronicles of Darkness: Deviant: The Renegades
- Chronicles of Darkness: Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition
- Chronicles of Darkness: Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
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The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
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