Trinity Continuum

Trinity Continuum

The world is fraught with dangers, from the products of mad science and
corporate greed to the perils of lost civilizations. Fortunately, as
many of the Talented will tell you, danger is their middle name, and the
Æon Society is here to help them put things to right. The only constant
in the world is change, and that’s where you come in.

At long last, the Trinity Continuum returns in this new edition with a new system and setting revised from the ground up. Talents: the subtle champions, daredevils of unparalleled skill and luck. Psiads: those able to employ the powers of their own minds to affect those around them. Novas: the stalwart few with the power to alter the very fabric of reality. These Inspired arise
in times of need. Few of them will ever sit idly: they seem to be
driven to act. Some will be crowned as heroes, others as power-mad
aberrations. Which will you be?

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Trinity Continuum: Æon

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant

Trinity Continuum: Adventure!

Trinity Continuum: Anima