Now Available: Large-Scale Combat for Æon!

Now available in PDF via DriveThruRPG: Large-Scale Combat, a Storypath Tasty Bit for Trinity Continuum: Æon!

Trinity Continuum: Æon usually focuses on the actions of individual heroes. The player character’s choices and the stakes thereof are front and center in the story. However, there are forces at work in the setting capable of deploying massive armies. Megacorps, nations, the UN, and the Psi Orders can all field armies should the need arise. Aberrants and their cults can stand against the onslaught of such forces, at least for a time. Aliens can deploy fleets of spaceships to confront human forces in the endless depths of space. 

Whether representing two armies locked in a ground war such as the ongoing conflict on Khantze Lu Ge, or detailing a three-way space battle between Aberrants, Chromatics, and ?on forces, these rules are designed to aid in adjudicating the outcome of massive battles.

Æon: Large-Scale Combat requires the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook and Trinity Continuum: ?on to use. Æon: Mission Statements could also be useful, but is not required.

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Community Spotlight

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