(Flashback) Is This A Joke? [Realms of Pugmire]

The latest from Eddy:

Related to the last post about articulating the tone of Pugmire, I remembered an old blog post I made way back when I first announced Pugmire in the ancient days of 2014. I got a lot of people assuming the announcement was some kind of joke — often enough that a few months later, I wrote a blog about it. Here you can see some of the elements I built on in the previous post to my writers.

One question I get regularly is whether Pugmire is a joke. Given that I’ve been responsible for some pranks in the past when I worked with White Wolf, it’s somewhat of a fair question. The short answer is obviously “it isn’t,” but there are nuances to the question that are more complex beyond the obvious “this is a real game that is being made.”

For example, it isn’t a typical Onyx Path game on the surface. It’s not using pools of d10s, it isn’t gritty and dark, and it’s not geared to an adult audience. Over the years I’ve gotten pretty good at working on those kinds of games, and I’m happy to keep doing so, but part of the reason for developing Pugmire is that I wanted to try something different. That’s one of the great points of working with Onyx Path over White Wolf for me — Rich is able and willing to try new ideas that wouldn’t fit in the original company’s structure or business plan, and I have ownership over this thing I created to boot. Given that this game doesn’t fit an established mold, I can see why some folks would assume it’s a joke.

Similarly, the game does have humor in it, but I maintain that it isn’t a funny game. We as players laugh at the idea that there’s a religious tenet of “Be A Good Dog,” but the characters in the world take it very seriously. It’s somewhat like the humor in Paranoia, although over the years its parody meta-humor has bled into the game itself. Again, if some folks see funny bits, it’s easy to mistake that the whole game is a joke.

One of the trickiest parts as I work on the game is allowing humor without making the game “funny.” So far I’ve been using the term “light-hearted” to explain the nuance, but it’s something that you really only get once you dive in. Some of the playtest groups are nice enough to post quotes or anecdotes on social media so I can read them, and most of those posts are gags. I take that as encouraging — people are excited and having fun with the game, even at this early stage. When I’ve run the game myself the level of humor changes depending on the group, but there’s always at least some laughs. The reason why it isn’t a joke, and why I’m adamant on that point, is because a “funny game” can really only be funny. A light-hearted game, however, can include more depth and options.

This ties in the concept of mourning.

Wait, what? Give me a moment to explain.

One of the images I keep in my mind is something Rich mentioned during one of our many chats about the game: the dog who mourns the passing of their owner by lying down outside their room or their bed. That’s the overall tone of how dogs feel about the loss of Man. In fact, the very first version of the game was much darker. It was closer to the so-called “normal Onyx Path game” in ethos, and that elegiac tone was a central focus. In one of my first playtests, some of the players at the end remarked at how the game can be “dark as shit.” So, paradoxically, I feel it’s very important to keep that so-called “Onyx Path flavor” in the game, even though the surface of the game obscures it. But if I wrote the game to be nothing but gags and jokes, it would be hard to get to that spectrum of emotion.

Is it a “serious” game? Hell no. It’s a game where you play dogs wielding magic and swords to rescue iPads from ancient ruins. I not only accept that, but I want to make that a feature. I don’t know about other people’s gaming groups, but mine generally tend to joke around during the session anyhow, so it’s nice to write a game that leans into that. But it’s also a game that addresses dealing with loss, ethics and religious dogma, casual racism, and nationalism. None of that is necessary to play and enjoy the game, but it’s there if you want to dig into it.

Is Pugmire a joke? No. Because it can be so much more.

2 thoughts on “(Flashback) Is This A Joke? [Realms of Pugmire]”

  1. I love this post, as it does bring out some things I’d wondered about the setting. It’s dripping with potential for a grim or serious game, but it’s also made for a great light-hearted romp. It’s the perfect blend of the two.

    I’m hoping I can use Fetch Quest as a way to convince my friends to give Pugmire and/or Monarchies of Mau a shot for a long-term game.

  2. I honestly admit I have always thought Pugmire didn’t belong in Onyx or even White Wolf. I thought maybe it was “Werewolf-Lite for kids” or something. Then came another game called “They Came From Beneath the Sea!” and I started to wonder what the fuck was going on with Onyx. But after the surprise success of Pugmire and looking into it some more, now I respect it. I respect the writers’ passion for it. It’s just going to take some time for some of us who looks funny at Pugmire for standing out as a light-hearted game, with all the current games we have now – A Light in the Darkness. Keep up the great work!


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