9 thoughts on “Now in Print: May 10”

  1. Thanks for all the new POD titles released so far, but when might we see a POD version of Dark Ages: Fae? This title is so exceedingly rare on the second-hand market and when a copy does appear it is always prohibitively and exorbitantly priced (Amazon’s cheapest copy is now $720).
    I’m not sure what the demand is for this book, but If I saw this re-released in a more cost-effective POD format, I would procure this title almost as a reflex action.

    • It’s on the list, but we’re missing many of the original files. We’d need a copy we can destroy so we can do high-quality scans.

  2. Wow! Berlin by Night. Thanks for the support of the german community. We got sooo many active Live Groups here… Berlin by Night is a quite important supplement for us :-).

    Will there be a Werewolf: the Forsaken POD soon? My GF and me are waiting to do a big order from drivethrurpg(because we’re from germany… shipping costs are quite high 😉 ) and we are still waiting for that one 🙂


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