New Release: The Strix Chronicle Anthology

Strix Chronicle Fiction

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We are like you. We live in your cities, we laugh at your jokes, we share your good times and your bad ones. We meet you in clubs and back alleys, at glamorous parties and dive bars. We need you, to sate our endless hunger. We are your Kindred.

They are the smoke and the darkness, things that could have been you or us, creatures of hunger that humanity stole the night from. They are the Strix.

This anthology chronicles our struggle, and unveils the schemes and atrocities of Kindred and Strix alike. It includes these stories as well as other tales of those whom even monsters fear:

  • “Four Years, Old John”: Greg Stolze shows us how the two most powerful vampires in Chicago came together in the shadow of the Strix.
  • “Second Chance”: Eddy Webb tells a story of trust and betrayal, as a vampire is raised to solve a savage mystery.
  • “Playing House”: Audrey Whitman reveals that the devil you know and the devil you don’t might be one and the same.
  • “Watching”: Orrin Loria introduces us to the Sheriff, who sees everything. But there’s one person even the city’s most well-connected vampire may not suspect.
  • “Lullay”: Joshua Alan Doetsch weaves the tale of a surrogate father and his very dangerous little girl. But what happens when a fairy tale beast comes knocking?

The digital edition includes PDF, Kindle (.mobi), and .epub versions of the book. Print and Print/eBook combo will be available soon.

6 thoughts on “New Release: The Strix Chronicle Anthology”

  1. I don’t understand. The Schedule says that this product is only at 62.5% completion. How has it been released already?

    • As the schedule page points out: “Percentages are based on eight stages: outline, writing, editing, art direction, layout, CCP approvals, print proof, and completion.”

      Each stage is 12.5%. 62.5% means it was in the layout stage. It passed CCP approval, and since we didn’t wait for a print proof (we released in eBook format, so print will follow later), we were able to jump straight from “CCP approvals” to “completion.”


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