18 thoughts on “World of Darkness Skull Shirts”

  1. These look really nice (especially the Mummy and Strix ones.) Did Rich T design the various skulls or was it maybe someone different for each gameline?

    • I think Craig Grant did the Mummy skull? The Requiem skull is from way back in Masquerade, but I don’t know who was behind it. I’ve always been curious about who’s the skull guy, if there’s a main skull guy at all…

      • Do you have any plans to expand the license later, perhaps re-issuing the Masquerade or Requiem pins and the Forsaken dog tags?

        • We have no warehouse facility, so the only way we could offer something like this is if it could be done on demand, as with our books and shirts. So stuff like pins and dog tags aren’t feasible right now.

          • Those things can be done on demand. You could even make 3-d files with the tools on the Shapeways site and post them here.

          • 3D printing isn’t at a point where I’d be comfortable calling it “on demand,” given how long it can take to make a fairly simple, small shape. If we got a lot of orders, we’d be backlogged almost immediately.

          • There are two companies that have 3-d POD as a model. Shapeways claims a maximum of ten days for plastic items and 15 for steel and ceramic until shipping. i.materialise has 10-20 days until shipping, with most before 10 days. If you don’t want your own store, just put files up and let people order them directly.

  2. God I’m tempted…

    It’s this or completing my collection of M:tAw books…

    That Geist logo looks really damned good!

  3. I will order Mage t-shirt, as genrerally good hsirts on my size are hard to get. But are there amy chances for making nWoD dices? In our alone group ther would be at least 4 sets to be ordered. 🙂


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