Deluxe W20 Changing Breeds Kickstarter is GO

The werewolves are not the only changing creatures to stalk the world. The Changing Breeds hunt places where wolves do not tread, from the storm-tossed skies and sun-lost seas, to the jungle depths and broad deserts. Spiders spin their webs, each silken strand reflecting how the world should be. Bloody-handed serpents kill swiftly and vanish into shadow and myth. Hyenas choose the slain and call down the rain as they fight a desperate war for their homeland. The Changing Breeds will take their rightful place in the world, and woe betide anyone who stands in their way.

Contribute to help give the Deluxe W20 Changing Breeds Edition a leather bound, embossed, metallic-edged, full-color, deluxe treatment.


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