Episode 328: An Alchemicals Preview! (Onyx Pathcast)

In which we interview Chazz Kellner and Elliott Freeman about the upcoming Alchemicals book for Exalted Third Edition!

  • What are the Alchemicals?
  • Castes
  • The Hands of Autochthon
  • More Castes!
  • Spicy assumptions of competence is my next Exalt character
  • Authochthonia
  • Tonal shifts
  • Alchemicals in Creation
  • Art and playstyles
  • What are we looking forward to?


Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath
Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath
Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk

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