Greetings and Salutations!
Travis Legge here, bringing you the tenth round of playtesting for our forthcoming Scarred Lands RPG supplements. Before we dive in, I want to take a moment to thank you for your participation in these playtests. Your input has helped us shape the Scarred Lands and you can see the impact of your feedback already in Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad Part One and Vigil Watch Chapter One: The Toe Islands both NOW available at DriveThruRPG! I would also like to invite you to check out the latest playtest, be sure to fill out the surveys, and let us know what you think!
As our team prepares for the release of further installments of Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad and Vigil Watch, we’ll be introducing several rules to playtest through Open Development. Check them out, use them at your tables, and let us know what you think. Here’s the details!
- Thirteen playtest packages in total
- Each playtest is open for three weeks
- Each playtest includes a survey for you to enter your feedback and rate your satisfaction with the content
Each playtest document will contain a link to a brief survey for feedback. I will post a new playtest each week, with each survey open for three weeks, on the Onyx Path blog. The final Open Development playtest in this schedule will be posted on Tuesday, March 24th, 2020.
This week we travel to western Ghelspad to visit the Festering Fields, one of the most corrupted and deadly areas in the Scarred Lands! Follow the link to find rules for the Giant Skeleton and Palladi! Download these today and let us know what you think!
Link to Playtest #10: Giant Skeleton and Palladi
Link to Playtest #9 Feedback: https://forms.gle/9dck8fJMvxxGNwFK7
The next playtest will be posted on Tuesday, March 17th, 2020. See you then!