Now available in PDF and print on DriveThruRPG:
World of Darkness: Dogs of War Poster
War Is Hell
The service trains you to be strong. It teaches you teamwork, how to rely on others and how to rely on yourself. Which is a damn good thing. You need every edge you can get. You’ll see for yourself when you discover what else is out there in the night…
Now you can own this dynamic World of Darkness cover art as a full color 12″ x 18″ poster to hang in your own home!
Originally created by artist Efrem Palacios for the cover of World of Darkness: Dogs of War and available for the first time.
Hunting Ground: The Rockies Poster
It’s a place of refuge, a territory where the Tribes of the Moon hold strong. Wolves run on four feet through mountain forests, and on two through urban landscapes. But even this place of refuge has its own dangers, horrors revealed only by the light of the full moon. Werewolves are not the most dangerous things that breathe the night air.
Now you can own this dynamic Werewolf: The Forsaken cover art as a full color 12″ x 18″ poster to hang in your own home!
Originally created by artist William O’Connor for the cover of Hunting Ground: the Rockies and available for the first time.
The scales have fallen from your eyes.
A fire is lit: is it a lamp perched over the inscription upon an ancient blade? Or a roaring conflagration consuming the house in which the howling fiends wait?
Things will never be the same after this. You’ve set forth on a damning path.
Carry the Vigil.
Fight back the shadows.
Now you can own this dynamic Hunter: the Vigil cover art as a full color 12″ x 18″ poster to hang in your own home!
Originally created by artist Chad Michael Ward for the cover of Hunter: The Vigil and available for the first time.

In addition, we are now offering new color print-on-demand copies of several previous rulebooks, only available previously as black-and-white PoDs.
Will a premium color version be coming for Geist? I’ve wanted to order a copy of the redeveloped version for a while now, but I’ve been holding out for premium color.
As far as I know, this is not the redeveloped version. Onyx Path has not yet announced plans to make a second edition Geist the Sin-Eaters.
No, I know it’s not a second edition, but it IS the redeveloped version they released (back in 2012, I believe) to fix many of the mistakes and errata from the original version. When they released it, they called it Geist 1.1. I have the original book, but not this updated version, which I’m holding out for a premium color version on.
Ohh.. that’s right, I had forgotten that.
I also hope for a premium color version
those are some kick ass posters. If there is any from M20 coming consider it sold !
Thank you very much for the new PoD-Options! I really like Geist and it was a pity that just those horrible B&W-Copies were available until now. But I agree with Olympius: Premium would be very nice!
Please please please premium color option for Geist !!
I assume that with World of Darkness Core Rulebook the standard colour option will only affect the white border bleed issue of the B&W printing option. Since the book was originally (and still is) black & white.