Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Beast Ready Made Characters!
Running a one-night game of Beast: The Primordial?
Wanting to start up a new chronicle, but your players aren’t sure what to play? Looking for a fast way to dive into one of Onyx Path’s SAS adventures?
Beast: The Primordial Ready Made Characters details “The Bloodstained Brood,” a group of Beasts (and one changeling) that have come together and, in their own brutal way, formed a family.
A collection of six player characters for Beast: The Primordial
- Six pre-generated player characters, with both starting and experienced character sheets.
- A brief break-down the character’s history to help players jump into the group.
- Storyteller advice for the group.
Requires the use of the Beast: the Primordial Rulebook
Want to
brighten darken your desktop for the holidays? Look no further than our Beast: The Primordial Wallpaper, featuring a collage of art from Beast: The Primordial!
Unfortunately, due to the heavier-than-normal seasonal load at the post office, print proofs of the other books we were hoping to have available today have not yet arrived in our hands for final proofing before going live. Soon!
I got the advance PDF of The Bloodstained Brood as a reward for having backed the Beast KS. I have notifs from Onyx Path turned on, but haven’t yet received the print discount link. When should I expect it?
There isn’t one, backers receive the PDF for the Beast Ready Made Characters as a Stretch Goal reward.
So I’ve to pay full price for the print edition? That’s special.
Yes. A discount for the PoD was never part of the Kickstarter. A free PDF was.
Discount PoD products for all the stretch goals would be awfully nice… as in nice for the fans and awful for Onyx Path’s ability to fund as many projects as we demand.
Thank you, Rich & Co., for getting out as many products as you have this year!
Thanks for seeing the big picture!
No tome of secrets ?
As above: “Unfortunately, due to the heavier-than-normal seasonal load at the post office, print proofs of the other books we were hoping to have available today have not yet arrived in our hands for final proofing before going live. Soon!”
I mean honestly everything you guys have gotten out this month is fantastic. If Tome comes out next week I’ll still be blown away. You are all rocking out right now. If a little bit of the crazy release party comes out in early Jan I think we’ll all live.