Some people have all the luck. Random circumstances always seem to favor them, and the odds are meaningless when it comes to how often randomness chooses them.
Nexuses have the most luck; unfortunately for them and everyone around them, it’s all bad. That bad luck makes them a magnet for stray curses, random catastrophes, and unlucky events. Anyone can be particularly unlucky without being a Nexus. But once a Nexus starts to accumulate curses, they transform from a normal person into a dangerous supernatural entity with few recourses other than death.
No one knows what makes a Nexus, but they do know the effects of one the moment it starts to gather strength. Bad luck follows them, as do random curses. As they move through the world, they draw curses toward them in a swirling flood, like water rushing down a drain. They stand at the epicenter of the most horrible shit you’ve ever seen, unable to help themselves or anyone caught up in the disasters surrounding them.
Curseborne: Nexus is an antagonist for use in Curseborne.