Now available from our RedBubble store!
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: A New Age (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Your Brothers and Sisters (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Knitting the Flesh (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Rolling the Bones (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Acts of Violence (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Wild, Wild Wastes (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Birds of a Feather (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: What You Believe (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Brain Bleed (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Campfire Stories (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Threats of the Wastes (shirts, posters)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: The Wasteland (shirts)
- Dystopia Rising: Let the Dead Lie (shirts)
Kickstarter Update

The Legendlore Kickstarter has just 24 hours remaining! We’re currently sitting at $22,452, or 150% of our $15,000 goal, thanks to our 489 backers! We funded during the beginning of Onyx Path Virtual Con, and we’re heading toward some amazing stretch goals.
Read the full Legendlore Manuscript for free, and if you like what you see, give us a pledge?
We’ve hit our first stretch goal and our on our way to a second:
- Legendlore GM Reference Screen
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
- Scarred Lands: Creature Collection 5e
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
- Realms of Pugmire: Pirates of Pugmire
- Vampire: The Masquerade: Cults of the Blood Gods
- Mage: The Ascension: Technocracy Reloaded
- Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
- Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
- Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle
- Chronicles of Darkness: Deviant: The Renegades
- Chronicles of Darkness: Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition
- Chronicles of Darkness: Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
- Scion: Pride 2020
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
“Most of the royalties gained from this supplement will be donated to a variety of Black Trans charities and we encourage DTRPG and OPP to do the same with their proceeds.”
Well THAT’S fucking cool. Time to throw some money at some Scion community content!