Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Faces of Magick for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition!
Myriad are the Faces of Magick, ranging from supreme Primi of the Nine Mystic Traditions to the selfish and aloof who struggle to find their place within them, and this book profiles just a miniscule fraction of the list.
However, be careful not to let your confidence get the best of you before diving into their stories. Within the text are more than faces, but also connections. Those you meet will lead you to helpful allies and selfish rogues, who will in turn bring you into the machinations and treachery of others with more catastrophic notions. Be careful, truly. Perhaps the faces of those who help you on your journey will surprise you more than those who end up grasping the knife in your back.
Interconnected Characters with Unique Motivations
Faces of Magick is a sourcebook for Storytellers looking to introduce the party to a networked world of interconnected characters and storylines in Mage: The Ascension. Over time, mages can follow the chain of conflicts between characters from the Mystic Traditions, leading them to unique and powerful engagements with Sleepers, Awakenings, the Consensus, and each other.
Within this book, you will find:
Famed characters and new faces alike, including powerful Primi, the legendary Xoca, Corey “Clutz” Whitman — friend and ally to Seattle’s enigmatic Bridge Trolls, and beyond.
24 motivated characters from each of the Nine Mystic Traditions, many of which showcased in M20: Lore of the Traditions.
Over 75 unique conflicts and alliances that network every character in the book.
Forbidden and Forgotten Orders offers a deeper look at the Disparate Alliance and the crafts that make up its members. How the alliance was formed, the current state of affairs, and the Future Fates that might impact it.
In this book you’ll find:
The history of the Disparate Alliance, its tenuous present, and its struggle for the future.
The subtle Ahl-i-Batin leave their fingerprints in all the places people don’t see.
Proud Bata’a, mages of the African diaspora, reclaiming their heritage.
Goth ain’t dead. It lives in graveyards, clubs, and the hearts of the Hollow Ones.
The Kahu mages of Polynesian and Hawaiian heritage still sail the oceans.
It’s a new, more progressive era for the Knights of the Temple of Solomon.
The North-East African Ngoma are natural leaders among the Disparate Alliance.
Sisters of Hippolyta, hailing back to Ancient Greece, stand with all their sisters.
The Solificati are too hot for either Technocracy or Traditions to handle.
The Taftâni don’t give a fuck about Paradox. Show the world magick is real, baby.
The Wu Lung have a long fight behind them and an even longer one ahead.
The Orphans insist they’re not part of any Alliance. That’s fair — they can still hang.