Now Available: Lunars Deluxe, and Rome shirts

Now available in traditional print from Indie Press Revolution: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Deluxe Edition!

Shapeshifters, monster-heroes, divine apex predators — the Lunar Exalted are all these and more.

Once they reigned over the First Age alongside the Solars, but in this fallen era, ten thousand Dragon-Blooded sit upon Creation’s stolen throne. The Lunars of the Silver Pact wage war against the Realm, stemming the tide of its imperialist expansion and bleeding away its strength.

This Exalted 3rd Edition sourcebook provides everything players and Storytellers need to introduce Lunars into their story.

It details the Silver Pact, its ancient vendetta, and the Lunar dominions spread throughout Creation. It also contains Lunar character creation, Charms, and rules for shapeshifting, as well as new Merits, spells, martial arts, and artifacts that can be included in any game.

Also available from Indie Press Revolution: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Storyteller Screen!

Shapeshifters, monster-heroes, divine apex predators — the Lunar Exalted are all these and more.

Once they reigned over the First Age alongside the Solars, but in this fallen era, ten thousand Dragon-Blooded sit upon Creation’s stolen throne. The Lunars of the Silver Pact wage war against the Realm, stemming the tide of its imperialist expansion and bleeding away its strength.

The Storytellers Screen for Lunars: Fangs at the Gate, an Exalted 3rd Edition sourcebook, provides a collection charts and other info to make the Exalted Storyteller’s role a little bit easier.


We’ve got a bunch of shirts from Requiem for Rome (Roman clans are already up there):

  • Rome Bloodline: Larvae (Gangrel) (shirts)
  • Rome Bloodline: Licinii (Julii/Nosferatu) (shirts)
  • Rome Bloodline: Morbus (Mekhet) (shirts)
  • Rome Wing: Cult of Augurs (shirts)
  • Rome Wing: Legio Mortuum (shirts)
  • Rome Wing: Peregrine Collegia (shirts)
  • Rome Wing: Senex (shirts)
  • Rome Wing: Lancea et Sanctum (shirts)


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1 thought on “Now Available: Lunars Deluxe, and Rome shirts”

  1. Are you aware that there is no separate character sheet for Lunars available? Solar’s and DBs have them downloadable, but you have to get a 3rd party sheet for Lunars.

    Also I would love the DB and Lunar (and future splat) Charm cards available, in the same way that the Solar charms are.


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