Now Available: M20 Sorcerer

Now available in advance PDF: M20 Sorcerer for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition!

Magicians and Mentalists

The shadows of the World of Darkness have always concealed supernatural secrets. Monsters exist and magic is real. Hedge wizards and psychics dwell on the edges of those shadows and of human society, straddling the liminal space between daylight and darkness. These sorcerers draw on inborn gifts or intense magical study to forward their agendas, protect their communities, or seek personal gain and power. Some few cast their lots with one faction of the Ascension War or another, but most sorcerers neither know nor care of the conflict among the so-called mages. For these practitioners, power is personal and to be used for personal ends.

Whether you are a Storyteller looking to fill out supporting roles or craft compelling antagonists for your Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition chronicle, a player wanting to bring something unique to the table, or wanting to run an all-sorcerer story, Sorcerer contains everything you need!

  • Streamlined and complete rules for incorporating hedge magic Paths and Psychic Phenomena into your Mage: The Ascension chronicle.
  • Character creation rules and options to bring your hedge wizard or psychic to life.
  • Twenty Affiliations for Sorcerer characters to join or oppose, including classic favorites such as the Arcanum and Project Twilight.
  • New Merits, Flaws, Artifacts and more!

Other Recent Releases

Did you miss one of these recent releases?


It’s Onyx Path’s 10th Anniversary! Every month in 2022, we’ll be celebrating another one of our published game lines.

August is Scarred Lands month! The first half of the month, you can get Scarred Lands 5e/OGL and Pathfinder titles for 90% off!

Indie Press Revolution also has 50% off select Scarred Lands products!

Stay tuned for more OPP10 sales the rest of this year!

Crowdfunding Update

Our Kickstarter campaign for Trinity Continuum: Aether launched yesterday, and hit 100% funding within the first four hours! We’re currently at $43,914, or 220% of our initial $20,000 goal, thanks to our 858 backers! So far we’ve hit the following stretch goals:

  • Aether Reference Screen
  • Aether Ready-Made Characters
  • Aether Jumpstart
  • The Aethernaut Collection
  • Aether T-shirt on RedBubble

Did you miss one of our previous campaigns? The following crowdfunded products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:

Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:

The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:

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