Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Operation: Lost in Reverie, a Jumpstart for They Came from [CLASSIFIED]!
Prepare yourselves, agents, because you’re about to embark upon an operation involving a jewel heist in Paris, gambling with the high rollers in Las Vegas, and penetrating the depths of one of PHANTOM’s bases on Ghost Island! All of this, combined with espionage, seduction, action, and not a few cocktails! I take mine over ice and a cherry.
You are the agents we need! And you are the only people capable of stopping PHANTOM in their dastardly tracks!
They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! is a dramatic, hilarious, and action-packed tabletop roleplaying game celebrating the spy movie and television genre, blending the best of James Bond, The Avengers, Austin Powers, and many more such genre touchstones. This jumpstart provides you with all the tools you need to start a story of They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! and tell many stories to follow.
They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! uses the Storypath System, provided in the pages of this book!
Operation: Lost in Reverie includes:
All the Cinematic powers, Quips, and Storypath system mechanics you need to run the game right from the page.
Five playable characters — an Adventurer, a Detective, an Operative, a Provocateur, and a Quartermaster!
A story in three acts, perfect for a one-shot or convention play!
IPR’s Black Friday sale has begun, with 50-75% off a selection of Onyx Path titles!
Crowdfunding Update
Alchemicals: Forged by the Machine Godlaunched on BackerKit three weeks ago, and funded in under half an hour! With eight days remaining, we’re currently at $125,940, or 420% of our $30,000 goal! Thanks so much to our 1521 backers!
We’ve reached the following stretch goals:
Alchemicals Storyteller Screen
Alchemicals Companion x7: The Lost City of Tekun; the Forge of Legends; Beyond the Eight Nations; God-Machinery of Exalted Power; the Ever-Spreading Blight; Industrial Assembly of the Chosen; Romos-Autrama, Riven by War
Backer T-shirt
Alchemicals Digital Wallpaper
Did you miss one of our previous campaigns? The following crowdfunded products are still open for preorders via BackerKit: