Now Available: Scion 2e Live Action!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Scion 2nd Edition Live Action!

Scion Live-Action is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP for short) that concerns the creatures and persons of myth and legend and how they interact with the World, a place where all myths are real and all stories have weight.

Fate is its own force in the World, and the characters in this book are feeling its first touches upon their souls. Whether mundane or supernatural, Scion Live-Action is the story of people in a liminal space where myth begins to be real and immediate. 

Scion Live-Action features:

  • A completely new system designed from the ground up for live-action roleplaying.
  • A new take on the World focused on LARP.
  • Character creation rules for heroic Scions, pre-Visitation Scions, and Denizens of the World.
  • Storyguiding advice for running Scion Live-Action.

Contains both Scion: Origin Live-Action and Scion: Hero Live-Action. No additional books required!


Explore Dystopia Rising: Evolution, the Trinity Continuum, and more with DriveThruRPG’s Sci-Fi Sale, running through May 17th!

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