Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Scion: Dragon for Scion 2nd Edition!
You have been chosen by a Dragon, gifted with magic and the incredible ability to shape shift into one of their terrible and awesome forms. In a World of myth, yours has been rewritten time and again, and yet Dragons remember all truths. You are an agent in an ancient war, working behind the lines and preparing for a battle for the fate of The World.
Discover the Truth. Find yourself. Make your own destiny.
Scion: Dragon details the stories of Heirs, those chosen by Dragons to act within The World as their agents. It is the story of discovering history, subverting enemies, and espionage. Your Draconic patron seeks to embroil you in millennia-old plots and ancient grudges as shadowy manipulators. All the while, you must learn their secrets, and either embrace the Dragon’s goals for you or make your own.
The Scion: Dragon is a standalone game in the World of Scion, and is meant for use with Scion: Origin. Inside, you will find:
- Character creation system for Heirs; those chosen by Dragons to enact their plots in The World.
- Knacks, Spells, and all the draconic magic wielded by Heirs, powered by the Storypath System.
- Six Flights: Draq, Joka, Lindwurm, Long, Naga, and Serpent Dragons, all suitable for patronage of your Heirs.
- Information about The World from the Dragon’s perspective, complete with plots and hooks to get your characters deep into draconic intrigue.
Other Recent Releases
Did you miss one of these recent releases?
- Nov 2: The Book of Lasting Death
- Oct 26: STB: They Came from Beneath my Bed!, They Came from Beyond the Grave! Storyguide Screen
- Oct 19: Masks of the Mythos

It’s Onyx Path’s 10th Anniversary! Every month in 2022, we’ll be celebrating another one of our published game lines.
November is Legendlore month! You can get Legendlore titles for 90% off!
Indie Press Revolution also has 50% off the Legendlore physical rulebook and screen!
Stay tuned for more OPP10 sales the rest of this year!
Also: Coinciding with the opening of Lunars Community Content on the Storytellers Vault, DriveThruRPG’s Exalted Sale is running for the next 5 days!
Crowdfunding Update

Our campaign for Scion: God 2nd Edition launched last week on BackerKit! We’re currently at $101,762 of our $30,000 goal, which puts us at 339%, thanks to our 1,868 backers! We hit 100% in just two hours!
We’ve hit the following stretch goals:
- Scion: God Storyguide Reference Screen
- Scion: God Companion x3: More details; Incarnations and Mantles; Realms, Terra Incognita, and Sancta
- Scion: God Jumpstart
- Divine Inspiration
- Backer T-Shirt
Did you miss one of our previous campaigns? The following crowdfunded products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
- Scion: Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos
- They Came from…: Cyclops’s Cave and [Classified]
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aether
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Adventure!
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Anima
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Apocalyptic Record
- Mage: The Ascension: M20 Victorian Age
- Exalted: Exalted: Essence
- Exalted: Exigents: Out of the Ashes
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?