Now Available: Shattered Seals Jumpstart for Anima!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Shattered Seals: A Terra Surge Jumpstart for Trinity Continuum: Anima!

The year is 2084, and humankind strives to recover from the ashes of a terrible war. The Federated States of America built the city of a Cascade as proof of their superiority, a shining utopia where every citizen has the latest in cybertechnology implanted into their head: a brain-enhancing device known as Glass. Glass allows people to see the world as they want to see it, but why stop there? Many find further haven from the horrors of reality in digital worlds, and none is more popular than the fantasy MMORPG Terra Surge. Within it, millions of users guide the heroic avatars known as animas into a life full of escapism and adventure.

All the adventures, all the time spent with people going on fantastical quests, not only feel real: they are. Players are free to model their animas however they please, while seeing and feeling everything their digital avatars do has all the qualities of a true alternative existence. Way more than simple characters to use in a videogame, animas are expressions of self inhabiting an artificial world that’s still authentic in all the ways that matter. The bonds made in Synestia — the fantasy world of Terra Surge — the thrill of triumphing together over challenges or living the life of a character carefully crafted in all their details, isn’t something that just goes away when logging off.

This jumpstart has everything you need to start playing an MMORPG fantasy adventure in the world of Trinity Continuum: Anima, including:

  • All the rules you need from Trinity Continuum: Anima
  • A full adventure, “Shattered Seals,” ready to run
  • Five ready-made characters for players to pick up and play

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Crowdfunding Update

We have two weeks left on the BackerKit for Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars! We funded last week, and are currently at $16,650, or 111% of our $15,000 goal, thanks to our 380 backers!

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Community Spotlight

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