Now available in PDF: Storypath Tasty Bit: They Came from the Bikini Beach Party! for They Came from Beneath the Sea!
It’s time for fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun! Every They Came from Beneath the Sea! takes our heroes to the beach at one point or other, and this book is built specifically for those occasions! Within its sandy contents you will find:
- New Archetypes!
- New Cinematics!
- New Quips!
- New Story Hooks!
Good gosh, this Tasty Bit hosts a plethora of new play material for They Came from Beneath the Sea! games, fit to enhance your games without complications!
Other Recent Releases
Did you miss one of these recent releases?
- Jul 20: Terat, Contagion Chronicles VTT Tokens, Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition VTT Tokens
- Jul 13: Scion Player’s Guide: Saints and Monsters
- Jul 6: Dead Man’s Rust, Tales of Heroes (Nook), Panopticon (Nook), Dawn (Nook), Meridian (Nook)

It’s Onyx Path’s 10th Anniversary! Every month in 2022, we’ll be celebrating another one of our published game lines.
July is Chronicles of Darkness month! This week you can the core Chronicles of Darkness, Dark Eras, and Contagion Chronicle at 90% off!
Indie Press Revolution also has 50-75% off select Onyx Path CofD products!
Stay tuned for more OPP10 sales the rest of this year!
It’s also DriveThruRPG’s annual Christmas in July sale, with hundreds of Onyx Path titles on sale!
Crowdfunding Update
Our Kickstarter campaign for Trinity Continuum: Aether launched yesterday, and hit 100% funding within the first four hours! We’re currently at $41,268, or 206% of our initial $20,000 goal, thanks to our 803 backers! So far we’ve hit the following stretch goals:
- Aether Reference Screen
- Aether Ready-Made Characters
- Aether Jumpstart
- The Aethernaut Collection
Did you miss one of our previous campaigns? The following crowdfunded products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
- Scion: Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos
- They Came from…: Cyclops’s Cave and [Classified]
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Adventure!
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Anima
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Apocalyptic Record
- Mage: The Ascension: M20 Victorian Age
- Exalted: Exalted: Essence
- Exalted: Exigents: Out of the Ashes
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
- Ghelspad: 100 Knick-knacks for Ghelspad
- Ghelspad: Gavel Squad
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
- Scion: Vini, Vidi, Vici, Part 1: Roman Setting for Scion
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: Terat Character Sheets
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?