Now available in print from DriveThruRPG: Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad Collected Volume for Scarred Lands!
Pay Heed to the Wisdom of Yugman the Sage
A century and a half after the Divine War, the titans lay defeated and scattered across Scarn and beyond. As the people of Ghelspad work to build a new world on the war-torn remnants of a fallen paradise, new heroes rise, and new threats emerge.
Yugman the Sage brings an overview of these new heroes and villains, as well as the tools they use to rise to power.
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad contains:
- 21 new Social Backgrounds expanding the sects & societies introduced in the Scarred Lands Player’s Guide
- 23 new subclasses, with each base class represented
- 6 new Races and a revised Hollow Legionnaire
- New Spells, True Rituals, Magic Items and more!

Also available in PDF: Storypath System Preview (2021)!
The evolution of the Storypath system is tied to our work on the Trinity Continuum, a world of hope, heroism, and peril, and Scion, a world where the children of the old gods walk the earth.
Early on, we found that both new editions of these games had similar system needs, because their characters are larger-than-life and fight in epic battles on a grand scale. We knew we needed a system that could accommodate everyday citizens on the street, superheroes soaring above skyscrapers, and gods of the sun and sky, but we also wanted rules to help facilitate the connection between the player-characters, their organizations (Allegiances for Trinity Continuum and Pantheons for Scion), and their values.
To move forward, however, we needed to take a step back, because the first editions of the Trinity Continuum and Scion used custom variants of the Storyteller System which powered Vampire: The Masquerade and other classic White Wolf games. Despite the differences between those variants, however, at its core the Storyteller System was designed chiefly as a horror game for creatures that could be effectively fought by human opponents. In other words, the Storyteller System is great for vampires, but it didn’t excel at portraying superheroes…or gods! To us, this meant that the stories of these action-adventure games were hindered by their original systems.
The Storypath System was designed as a new set of rules, inspired by the legacy of the Storyteller and Storytelling Systems, in addition to other story-centric rules. The Storypath System keeps the focus on narrative, story-built play, and action-adventure. It also draws inspiration from a number of other influences that focus on a cinematic high-octane action and storytelling, as well, to create a streamlined experience for epic stories.
Within these pages, you’ll find a preview of the rules and examples for both Scion and the Trinity Continuum. We hope you enjoy the new Storypath System and are inspired to roll the dice and tell great stories!
Cavaliers of Mars rulebooks and screens are on sale across IPR, Studio2, and DriveThruRPG until April 14th!
- Cavaliers of Mars (Indie Press Revolution, Studio 2, DriveThruRPG)
- Cavaliers of Mars GM Screen (Indie Press Revolution, Studio 2, DriveThruRPG)
- A Festival of Blades: A Cavaliers of Mars Jumpstart (DriveThruRPG)
Crowdfunding Update

Two weeks ago we launched the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Kickstarter, and we funded in 3.5 hours! We’re currently at 239% of our $35,000 goal, thanks to our 1322 backers! Kickstarter’s new built-in Add On utility is a real help. We’ve hit the following stretch goals:
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Storyguide Screen
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Jumpstart: With 6 ready-made characters
- Adventure! Addendum: Sensational hideouts, Strange New Life
- Thrilling Tales!: A scenario PDF featuring playable chapters from the Adventure! audio drama: Deadly Eclipse! and Terror from the Skies!
- Backer T-Shirt
- Digital Wallpaper
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
- Scarred Lands: Dead Man’s Rust
- Scion: Scion: Demigod
- Scion: Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos
- They Came from Beyond the Grave!: They Came from Beyond the Grave!
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
- Legendlore: Legendlore
- World of Darkness: WoD: Ghost Hunters
- Mage: The Ascension: Technocracy Reloaded
- Mage: The Ascension: M20 Victorian Age
- Chronicles of Darkness: Deviant: The Renegades
- Chronicles of Darkness: Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition
- Chronicles of Darkness: Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
- Ghelspad: Ghelspad Ensemble: Soldiers and Mercenaries
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
- Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?