8 thoughts on “Now in Print: June 27”

    • Great news! Great book. I have always cherished my copy. If I remember correctly there was also a companion volume in the works before Dark Ages was shutdown. Is there a possibility of that being published!?

  1. I and my players really loved this game! I ran a section of my chronicle back in the dark ages as a flashback centered on a mcguffin the characters encountered in the present. They loved making the fae characters and felt I should of continued the flashback after the main chronicle was over, but there just wasnt time enough to do so.
    I really hope that we can see more how the war of seasons picks back up in future supplements, and how it shakes the pillars of human and fae societies.
    But in short, thanks again for all the hard work you and all the folks connected to its revival put into getting in our hands once again Rich.

  2. Uff… I’m not quite sure, if this is correctly here to ask (as a question), but: Are there any plans for “Damnation City” for the VtR-Line to get in Print in the nere future? (As you said: Everything will get into PoD someday, but at the moment I could realy get use of this special book, and using a PDF on the computer is depressing in the long run.)

  3. I wonder if the submission i sent below had anything to do with this? Talk about quick turn around, only two weeks. Thanks to everyone else who also requested DAF to be reprinted!

    Ticket #820: White Wolf – Dark Ages Fae

    Your request (#820) has been updated.

    To review the status of the request and add additional comments, follow the link below:

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    Customer Service, Jun 18 10:08 am (EDT):


    Thank you for your suggestion.

    Your note has been passed along to our publisher relations folks to see if we can get those products. We very much appreciate your business and your assistance in making our site better.

    Thank you for your business and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

    Jeff Montgomery
    Customer Service

    Quentinschilling, Jun 18 02:20 am (EDT):

    This book originally was a limited print run before Drive Thru RPG and i didn’t know about it until it was going for 160 bucks on amazon or ebay. A reprint would be fantastic so I can collect all the Dark Ages Books. I’m sure I’m not alone

    Placing my order immediately!


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