October 29, 2019 — Onyx Path Publishing, owner and publisher of the Scarred Lands role-playing game, is pleased to announce two new serial releases: Vigil Watch and Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad.
Ghelspad is a massive and diverse landscape that is the hallmark of the Scarred Lands setting. Once a paradise, this continent is now scarred by the ravages of the Titanswar. In the wake of divine bloodshed, the people of Ghelspad survive and thrive on this befouled continent. Two upcoming releases explore this setting to give players and GMs more material to draw from for their campaigns.
Vigil Watch explores six different locations across Ghelspad. From the bloody shores of the Toe Islands in the east to the Sweltering Plains of the West, Vigil Watch provides an in-depth look at a variety of locales and cultures. This release will contain:
- Expanded information on the culture of the Ironbred and their nomadic home, the Iron Court
- A detailed view of Leoni, the center of the Manticora Confederacy
- The frontier settlement of Mansk, home to human and orc wolf-riders under the leadership of Warlord Klesh
- The terrifying deadlands of the Festering Fields
- An exploration of the Library of Lokil
- A detailed discussion of the Toe Islands in the Blood Sea including the pirate operations that operate from within the dangerous archipelago.
Each location includes an overview of the people, cultures, traditions, and enemies. Vigil Watch is written by Celeste Conowitch (Blood Sea: The Crimson Abyss 5e, Venture Maidens), Joshua Doetsch (Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer), Lewis Harris (Destiny 2, Hunter: The Reckoning – Wayward) Joshua Heath (Adventures for Curious Cats), Jessica Ross (Sundered Sisters, Uncaged Volume I), and Roman Trevisanut (Legendlore RPG).
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad offers new insight into heroes and villains, as well as the tools they use to rise to power, through the eyes of Yugman the Sage. This release will contain:
- 21 new Social Backgrounds expanding the sects & societies introduced in the Scarred Lands Player’s Guide
- 23 new subclasses, with each base class represented
- 6 new Races including Broadreach dwarves, and a revised Hollow Legionnaire
- New Spells, True Rituals, Magic Items and more!
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad is written by Chris Bissette (Loot the Room, Breaker of Chains), Oliver Clegg (Ravenloft: City of Eyes, Weekend at Strahd’s), Celeste Conowitch (Blood Sea: The Crimson Abyss 5e, Venture Maidens), Beatriz T. Dias (The Fall of Durgan’s Rest, Off to a Weird Start), Lewis Harris (Destiny 2, Hunter: The Reckoning – Wayward), Jeremy Hochhalter (Creature Codex for 5th Edition, A Titanic Feast), Megan Mackie (Legendlore RPG), Jessica Ross (Sundered Sisters, Uncaged Volume I), and Christopher Walz (Morty Corgi’s Scroll of Mysteries, The Midnight Revelry).
These supplements are 5th edition-compatible and will be released on a rotating schedule beginning in 2020. Currently, six releases are planned for each title, along with a compilation that will feature exclusive content later in the year.
About Onyx Path Publishing: Founded in 2012, Onyx Path Publishing is a Pennsylvania-based company dedicated to the development of exemplary, immersive worlds. Working with a group of amazingly talented creators, we explore print, electronic and other forms of media distribution to make our products available to our fans. With over 25 years of publishing experience from which to draw, we are industry professionals who love the art of the game and plan to continue making meaningful, innovative contributions in the years to come.
On the web: https://theonyxpath.com
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Press Contact: Matt M McElroy
Email Address: theonyxpath@gmail.com
Sounds wonderful! Can’t wait to see them!