19 thoughts on “The Exalted 2.5 errata is here!”

  1. Downloading it, and I can’t wait to read it. Thanks for all that work, guys.
    And thank you for being so communicative with the fanbase, despite our… quirks.

  2. May I re-iterate my joy that you folks decided to provide the Scroll in .epub. It will work so much better at my tt game where I use my e-ink reader.

  3. My heartfelt thanks to all of the developement staff and designers. This update will make teaching my new Exalted players much easier and, hopefully, allow them to enjoy the game without slamming into as many unseen mechanical blocks.

  4. HELL. YES.

    I’ve said it elsewhere, but thank you SO MUCH for your amazing efforts, and for sticking around to communicate with us through it all.

  5. This was a horrible idea that resulted in my entire circle getting killed off in one combat. It did not reduce lethality, it made it worse and removed other tactical options in the game. This is just the latest example of a continuing string of abuses put on this game from its brilliant inception and lack-luster 2nd Edition execution.

    2.5 underscores the need to throw the whole system out, as it is now barely recognizable, and in an attempt to make it so win-win with XP refunds all around, you end up with a game that about choice and consequence that has no choice or consequence.

    The revised perfect costs and normalizing Stunt regeneration was a horrible, horrible idea. Now instead of perfect-turtle, you have perfect-then-run-the-hell-away as other options are still not viable.

    • Sarge,

      Your circle clearly didn’t get them. The perfects being increased rendered combat more tactical because you have to decide what to spend your motes on and if you need to save them for that super attack. The lowering of ping to 2/3/4 (which can be lowered by almost all exalts) means that you can average 1/2 damage per attack. If you have ox-body then you shouldn’t have an issue surviving and it makes soak more important and bigger weapons actually have a point instead of taking the weapon with the lowest speed/highest rate to get Ping which was very high. Under the old system 2 or 3 hits is really going to hurt you at Essence 3-4, under the new you’ll take damage but not as much if you’ve got decent soak and minimum damage reduction charms.

  6. I love all the work you guys are doing. I’m not too sure about the Combo changes, though. Maybe making them cheaper instead of dropping the cost altogether would save some of the cool flavor of the system better. I know you can still develop unique effects and whatnot for common combinations of Charms that you use together, but it just felt so much more…official…before. Not to mention, all of those Charms that say “such and such doesn’t count as Charm use” are now kind of dead weight, when I used to celebrate the effect because of the versatility. Dragon-Bloods also lose one of their only edges.

    Maybe there is another solution rather than just dropping the concept altogether?


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