Yep! It’s that time in any Kickstarter where the pledges come in sloooowly. Which is kind of the logy heat, don’t-wanna-do-nothin’, feeling of the dog days of Summer.
But we’re in February, so screw that!
Instead, we’re going to look out for ways to get our Realms of Pugmire – Pugmire 2nd Edition – Kickstarter out there to more folks. Eddy’s participation in a couple of Extra Credits shows last week had a demonstrable effect, but let’s keep it going!
Everybody: let’s lift up a torch to shine a blazing light on the Realms of Pugmire KS! Let your friends know – especially if they want a non-OGL fantasy game that still uses different kinds of polyhedron dice!
Let them know we’re using the Onyx20 system, and we think Eddy has simplified and clarified the system from Pugmire First Edition in ways that really make it even easier to play! Which is really helpful if you’re using Pugmire to give your kids their first taste of TTRPGing, which so many folks have done over the years.

We’ve also been told, anecdotally, that a fair number of gamers were finally able to interest their non-TTRPGing significant others into trying our hobby because Pugmire was so easy to get into. You play a human-like dog, you wear armor and robes, and can cast spells, heal, and fight with swords and bows. Just writing that description reminds me of how much fun we’ve had playing Pugmire!
Our thanks to everybody who has already backed and to anyone who tries to get others to, as well!

Sharpening the Saw in the Meeting Today
I figured another metaphor/idiom would only be fair when talking about the Monday Meeting today, so there you go. A lot of what we’re doing right now is getting ongoing projects caught up, going through pitches for projects, and prepping for upcoming games. In some bizzness school theories, that prepping is called sharpening the saw, as it’s an activity that gets you ready to do the actual work when you need to to.
But as a really bad play on words, we have also been talking a lot about our visuals – the stuff we saw – both the graphics we use to make the brilliant text y’all love reading fun and easier to read, but also our illustrations and artists have to be reviewed and encouraged so we’re getting the most appropriate and exciting illustrations for our projects.
Getting us appropriate art is one of the key parts of art direction, and the care and feeding of illustrators so that they feel as involved in creating what we need as the team here is vital to what we do. We have such a wide range of game worlds that basically require a separate visual aesthetic that it’s rare that we can use the same artists across all the lines. Artists that can do the b&w/greyscale art we need for CofD face very different challenges with their illustrations and techniques than the artists capable of handling color work for Exalted – which would be different than the styles needed for color Scion art.

This week’s progress report shows some of the, well, progress, that Mirthful Mike and Maria have made this last week in getting set up for and actually contacting and assigning artists – with a lot more to come so that we can move forward with a whole raft of projects. Great work, ADs!
As the art actually rolls in all gorgeous and finished, that means we can take it and the edited text and get rolling on layout – which is what happens before we can set any of our projects as available for you folks – so getting more caught up on art is huge!
We’re super-glad that the upheaval of the past few years, that greatly contributed to our art log-jam, has finally eased up enough that the Mirthful One can apply his considerable talents and experience towards re-adapting our processes in order to be ready for the next bump in the road.
Which is a lot of words to say that we’re getting great art faster right now!
Now, here’s another useful graphic, which I’ve shared before, but which I’ve found useful to repeat every few months:

We’ll probably need to revise this pretty soon to include The World Below in the section for Onyx Path game lines, and Branch Riders in the licensed/partners section. Plus any other new games we may or may not be working on. (And we might consider doing one of these based on system!) But the main usefulness of this is to once more remind folks that the old WW IPs are owned by Paradox, not us.
We do not get a say into how they run the lines, we don’t have input into most anything they choose to do with other licensing partners like ourselves, and we get nothing from any sales that aren’t directly happening on our sales areas (that includes their Storytellers Vault). But most of all, we can only create and publish what Paradox OKs. We absolutely can not just go off and make a book on a topic or for a game line unless they agree to it.
If they don’t agree, we can’t ignore them and do it anyway – not without some severe repercussions! After all, they are the ones that own those game lines – we are but humble licensees.
Well, some of us are humble…
If this is new info to you, I’m glad I could bring this up again for you, and if you have sat through these explanations before – huge thanks for your patience!
After all, we’re all traveling together on our epic journey towards:

REALMS OF PUGMIRE! Funded and already fetched 6 Stretch Goals including a brand new Screen!
C’mon and back this amazing non-OGL D20-based fantasy game of uplifted dogs in a world they never made! : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/339646881/realms-of-pugmire-tabletop-rpg
Onyx Path Media!

This week:
Eddy, Dixie, and Danielle will talk about worldbuilding in Onyx Path games.
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Onyx Path Media now has its own blog on Tuesdays! We’ll continue posting our highlight of the week here, but Tuesday will be the day to visit if you want to catch up on actual plays, interviews, deep dives, and other assorted Onyx Path media!
Please check out our attached media schedule for the videos on our Twitch channel this week! In particular, keep those eyes open for our Storypath Showcase, where we give an excellent profile of our various Storypath games and how to play them!

Our spotlight this week remains concentrated on Red Moon Roleplaying’s actual play of Realms of Pugmire as they’ve posted the finale here! https://youtu.be/iAUMEt0MqIoThis is the premier show of our newest game, as Eddy Webb (the game’s developer!) runs for the talented Kim Godwin, Cat Evans, and Craig Austin!
The Onyx Path News discusses recent and upcoming releases! You can find it on our YouTube channel (click the bell to be informed when we go live!) but if you missed the last episode, here it is: https://youtube.com/live/huZL9qkcyd0
Virtual Tabletop!
Two new Roll20 items of interest for Scion players!
First, a Scion VTT bundle is on sale over at Roll20:
And there’s also the Scion Jumpstart, all ready for Roll20 VTT fun!

Here is a new screenshot of the upcoming They Came From Beneath the Sea! Compendium!

More news and links when we have them!

The Scion: Origin and Scion Hero Compendiums are now available on Roll20!
Scion is just the start! They Came From Beneath the Sea! and other
Onyx Path RPGs are in development for Roll20 virtual tabletop!
The first of our official Scion sheets designed for Foundry VTT are
now available!
Direct Link: https://foundryvtt.co
Looking for more virtual tabletop resources? We have a selection of
Tokens, Encounters, and more available now at DriveThruRPG!
Get ’em here: https://bit.ly/3SnrNJ7
Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
IPR is running a special sale on Scarred Lands PGs, Creature Collections, and dice! Plus first edition Pugmire/Monarchies of Mau books and Screens, dice, and pins!

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at DriveThruRPG.com!
We Love Games Sale at DTRPG:
Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

Check out the Trinity Continuum: Aeon novellas Dawn and Meridian in the Kindle store!
On Sale This Week!

This Wednesday, more CofD is infected once more with the Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks! Includes seven new outbreaks from around the world, overviews of characters, rumors, and a look at the In Between! All available in PDF and PoD versions on DTRPG!
Because dates for physical conventions are subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we don’t yet have a list of upcoming physical conventions. Instead, keep an eye out here for more virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!
Game Night With Onyx Path Publishing at Start.Playing is the last Friday of the month! Come play some Trinity Continuum in celebration of the upcoming Talents Player’s Guide KS! (But any of our game lines are welcome all day long!)
Please spread the word about GMing games as much as
possible. Details on how list a game are at the bottom of the page in
the FAQ:
And now, the new project status updates!
Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog! Check out January’s full list report here: https://theonyxpath.com/release-roundup-january-2023/
Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production:
First Draft
They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave! – They Came from Witchford Academy!
- Matthew: Developer Michele Masala is taking us to a wizarding world of witty witchery, as we explore that most topical of genres – magic schools, universities, and such – through the lens of They Came From! This book will serve as a chunky expansion to They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave! as it furthers the fantasy media genre for us, so anticipate a book around similar size to They Came from Camp Murder Lake! or the upcoming They Came from the Danger Zone!
Tasty Bit – Scion (March 2023: Street Intersection)
- Eddy: Our first Tasty Bit for Scion is in my hands now to review!
Post-Editing Development
Hunter: The Vigil – Hunter Jumpstart
- Matthew: If you’ve been wanting to get into the newest edition of Hunter, you won’t have to wait too long to play with this Jumpstart giving you all the tools you need. And now it’s out of editing!
In Art Direction
- Ex3 Exigents – Art Buy Broke down
- SCION Once and Future — With Maria.
- TC From the Shadows – With Maria for art buy.
- TC Player’s Guide (KS) – All the Half page sketches have been approved, but I’m still waiting on splat sketches.
- TC Best at What I Do – Art Buy Broke down.
- TC Aethernaut Collection – Art Buy Broke Down.
- TC With Great Power – Art Buy Broke Down.
- TC Hated and Feared – Getting this underway.
- MtAw Tome of the Pentacle – Working on it… when I have a spare moment…
In Layout
- TC Stampede of Justice (Adventure JS)
- DTR Devoted Companion – Working on it… had to spend extra time on Essence.
- SL Vigil Watch Kelder Mtns – Maps are coming along nicely.
- Storypath Ultra Brochure
- SCION Realms of Magic and Mystery – Second proof.
- Exalted Essence – Sending to Paradox for approval.
- M20 Victorian Age KS shirt – Going to Paradox for Approval.
- W20 Apocalyptic Record KS Shirt – Going to Paradox for Approval.
- TC: Adventure!
At Press
- TC: Adventure! – Indexing.
- M20 Victorian Age – At Trad Press.
- M20 Victorian Age Screen – Awaiting proofs.
- Scion Dragon Screen – Printing started.
- Scion Dragon – At KS fulfiller.
- Scion Masks of the Mythos – At KS fulfiller.
- Scion Masks of the Mythos Screen – Printing started.
- Ex3 Lunars Novella – PoD proof ordered.
- Ex3 Adversaries – Incorporating errata.
- Contagion Chronicles Global Outbreaks – PDF and PoD versions on sale on DTRPG this Weds!
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Something, something…Valentines’ Day tomorrow…something, something…
Go Michele! Wizards are awesome!
Wizard’s schools are fun, wizard’s schools that aren’t connected to a big, bad, contentious IP are even better!
Yes, these are even better, although if it has to be a school (as a teenager’s parent I can’t share the enthusiasm, I simply can’t), maybe it’s a time to switch to another class? Bard school? Barbarian school? IDK.
The idea is that we affectionately spoof entire genres with the The Came From! games. Several big “schools” for wizards are part of mass media and so that’s the genre topic. I’d imagine you could turn it into a bard school, or whatever sounds cool to you, if you’d rather personalize it for your group, but there just aren’t a lot of Bard School TV shows and movies for us to draw from in making the game.
Since bards are spell casters in D&D and poetry and history were both areas of knowledge of the real-life ancient druids, I would have bard school as part of wizard school.
Sure, which gives you the rationale for adding them to the They Came From! game once it’s out – enjoy! For us, having something work in D&D doesn’t mean we should add it into a They Came From! game we’re making because we try and keep to the source material we’re basing this particular They Came From! on, so without there being a Bard’s School bit of popular media that’s not TTRPGs, we can’t use it. We’ve thought about They Came From!s based on TTRPG genres, but haven’t done anything yet as there are still so many great ideas from pop culture media – as you folks will find out in a few months!
Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black in your case?
Sorry, not sure what you’re referring to in the mass of comments. Can you expand on your comment?
When it says “Art Buy Broke Down”, does that mean the needed art’s been broken down so it can be ordered, or that something’s gone wrong?
Don’t worry – it’s shorthand for breaking down the kinds of art needed based on the text word count, number of chapters, NPCs, etc. This is sent to the devs for them to create the appropriate art notes.
Ah, that’s really good to know. For some reason I had it in my head that the art notes were provided to the AD and then the art buy was broken down based on that need. I guess that’s how they do it in the Mirror Universe.
The Art Break Down going to the devs in order for them to describe the needed pieces was something Mirthful Mike initiated some years ago, and it really helps everybody understand what a book needs visually. So we’ve used this version of the process for quite some time, and I used slightly different versions over the years depending on what was needed – it’s all about getting the info necessary at the right stage for the artists to do the beautiful work they do.
That is very good to hear regarding art. It’s a core part of the experience for me and, as I’ve often said, I will never tire of seeing Anima art.
All that said, wow! What a pun! ?
Oh no! The page transformed my emoji into a ?
That was meant to be in light hearted jest. I would never question your ability to pun.
There have been some gorgeous TC: Anima pieces, for sure! Yep, I might have hit a new low with the puns!
That’s the awesome thing with puns. The only bad pun is a neutral/meh one. Good ones are funny, bad ones are glorious. Far as I’m concerned that was an awesome pun!
Big thumbs up from me!
Is the new Pugmire still capped at level 10 or does it allow characters to go beyond 10th level?
It is still capped at level 10, for a variety of reasons dealing with game balance and providing a clear endpoint to chronicles (which many people, myself included, love). That said, it’s even easier this edition to just keep the level progression going, since it’s the exact same thing every two levels. Plus, there are more refinements to tricks, giving more options. So if you want to have epic games, you can!