Carbonated Meeting

Project Status

  • Dust to Dust went live last Friday. The print-on-demand version is being worked on.
  • Strange, Dead Love will go into layout after another round of PoD edits for Dust to Dust.
  • Masters of Jade continues to be on track, as does V20 Companion.
  • Ethan is still working on Geist 1.1, and is hiring writers for Werewolf 20th.
  • Some last bits to be cleared up with Mummy, and then writers will be hired.
Meeting Notes
  • Justin tries to call in, but he has to bow out. However, he’s been continuing to post his progress on the V20 Companion on the blog.
  • Rich tells me about his caffeine replacement, La Croix carbonated water. Apparently it has lime in it or something. We talk about the balance of drinking something interesting at your desk vs. drinking something while working out (like water).
  • Rich has a print-on-demand proof over to DriveThruRPG for Dust to Dust for review. It turns out that the PoD printers have a very specific range of variables that a product has to fall within before it’s rejected. At least, something like that — it’s all graphic designer talk, and I only pretend to understand.
  • We talk a bit about our ongoing conversations with Holden Shearer and John Morke about the future of Exalted. Nothing to report just yet, but there’s some really exciting ideas being discussed that I hope pan out.
  • I mention that not everyone can be Chuck Wendig. Rich agrees.
  • We go over some feedback we got from The Garou Nation about W20. Some interesting data points to keep in mind as we move forward.
Today’s Reason to Drink: On November 15th, 1920, the first meeting of the League of Nations happens in Geneva.

2 thoughts on “Carbonated Meeting”

  1. It makes me very happy to *see* you guys work on the old games we love 🙂

    PS: See you on the Pentex family picnic 😛


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