The Kicking and Starting Have Succeeded

Meeting Notes

  • As we start the meeting, I let Rich know that a 1994 study confirms that garlic actually attracts vampire. THIS IS SCIENCE.
  • The V20 Companion Kickstarter has reached its goal! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed and spread the word – the credits page is going to be huge. Can it reach $100k in the next 11 days to unlock the annotated PDF?
  • W20 drafts getting back to people from Ethan, and Ron Spencer’s sketches coming in. Blog posts should be coming very soon.
  • Rich has been in some talks with Russell on Requiem, and the Blood Sorcery book continues to move forward.
  • The Werewolf Translation Guide is going through the final review right now.
  • Victorian Lost is next on Rich’s list to pull together. Most of the art is in.

Today’s Reason to Drink: March 5th is “Learn from Lei Feng Day” in China. Lei Feng was a soldier in the People’s Liberation Army who was posthumously portrayed as a model citizen, and citizens are encouraged to emulate his selflessness, modesty, and devotion.

20 thoughts on “The Kicking and Starting Have Succeeded”

  1. Ron Spencer sketches? MUST SHOW! … please? With Formorol on top?
    Just the idea of seeing more Spencer W:tA artwork gives me goosebumps, especially seeing more of his process. 🙂 I’m curious how his sketches will translate to his color work.

    Does this mean that and the official W20 site might go live soon? *wink wink*

    • Oh, and super congrats on the V20 Companion… we’ll keep pushing it to make sure it remains funded, and see how close we can get to the $100k mark in the next 11 days. 😀

    • March 5 is also my birthday, yet another reason to drink.
      Sadly, no one bought me a pony this year…. again. But I keep my hopes up.

  2. Eddy- Was thinking a cool (temporary) direction to go with the blogcast would be a “discussion with the fans” sort of theme where each episode you include a fan (via skype or some other similar media) in whatever discussion happens to be the topic for the blogcast. You could have fans send in bio’s and select from same. Just a thought. I know you mentioned that the blogcast is on hiatus, but wasn’t sure if it was because you just didn’t have time for it or for lack of things to talk about.

        • Woo! I saw Geist and thought it look pretty cool, but after hearing about the fact that it needed a 1.1 revision I figured I would wait for that before purchasing it. Thankfully, I only really looked into it like a month or so ago, so I haven’t been waiting long 🙂

    • Any rough date on when the translation guide will actually be out? DTRPG seem to know less than nothing on the subject, or they just arent telling, either way, I need that booook!

      • I’m working on it- I need some OKs and then the printer OK and about a week after that it should be ready to go live- so this month, but I don’t know when.

  3. Howdy, just posting to say i’m really looking forward to the new Changeling book. It’s my favourite splat in the line. Any more specific dates, or shall I just hold my breath and hold you liable if I pass out?


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