No Jocularity

Meeting Notes

  • Rich dives right into serious business — no jocularity this week.
  • CCP is moving offices from Stone Mountain to Decatur this weekend. As such, we’ll be without email from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon or so. The website should be unaffected (aside from the wikis, which are locked during the move).
  • Rich asked me for some contact information for editing Children of the Revolution.
  • We talk a lot about some back-end business stuff that we can’t announce publicly yet.
  • We both vent about back-end business stuff that we can’t announce publicly yet.
  • Rich is waiting on the hard proof for Victorian Lost. He’ s expecting it this week.
  • Rich had a good conversation with Colin about Mummy.
  • We talked a bit about some of the things that came out of the V20 Companion roundtable on Saturday. If you missed it, you can still get a recording of the show:

Today’s Reason to Drink: Can’t drink — too busy packing.

15 thoughts on “No Jocularity”

  1. Man, [back-end business stuff that we can’t announce publicly yet] is going to be pretty awesome. [Back-end business stuff that we can’t announce publicly yet] will blow peoples’ minds.

  2. Hah, great image. The cat’s saying, “Roll wits + composure…”

    Good luck on the move, hope nothing and no one gets lost along the way.

  3. I used to live near there. Lawrenceville. Too bad I discovered White Wolf & RPGs as a whole After I moved to Florida… (since then moved out of FL).

    BTW, Not sure where I should ask this, but when is the ETA for the V20 Companion Kickstarter print run?

    • Far as I can tell, another couple of weeks. It’s tough to tell, since it’s at the proofing stage. Each proof cycle takes a week or two, so if there’s something wrong with one proof they have to go in for another. When they’re happy, they’ll release it.

  4. for non-english speakers… can you explain what exactly “back-end” means in [back-end business stuff that we can’t announce publicly yet] ? D: I WANT TO KNOW WHAT I CANNOT KNOW D:


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