A Somber Day

Meeting Notes

  • My eldest dog Vinny passed away on Sunday, so I’m a pretty somber mood. Rich and I talk about that, and we share stories of dog illness.
  • Shards for Exalted is in the approval process, and we’ve already had some revisions.
  • [EXCITING NEW EXALTED BOOK] has an outline put together.
  • Boring contract stuff.
  • We also talk about the challenges of open communication with remote employees and contractors (something Rich and I have been pretty opinionated about for years).
  • There’s still some catching up in the next couple of months, but the schedule should smooth out soon.
  • We talk a little about the upcoming Atlanta By Night event, but really, Ric (the show’s organizer) has it well in hand. If you want to learn more, check out the website at http://www.atlbynight2012.com/.
  • Falling Scales #2: Getting it to layout. Art cover in process.
  • Children of the Revolution art coming in for review. Also all in editing.
  • CotR Kickstarter payments are still being processed by Amazon.
  • Mummy is in layout and graphic design.
  • Aileen’s already working on graphic design for W20.
  • Waiting on revised PoD proof for V20 Companion.

Today’s Reason to Drink: Today is Waterloo Day, a celebration of the date of the Battle of Waterloo, which was… uh… June 18th.


14 thoughts on “A Somber Day”

  1. My great condolences on your loss. I don’t know about you, but to me dogs are family members. Their loss has always hit me hard.

  2. Ahhh never easy losing a pet.

    Glad to hear Shards and Mummy are moving along. I look forward to lightening my wallet for those products 🙂

  3. You have my condolences for the loss of a family member–I have no doubt that’s what Vinny was to you guys. Take care, Eddy, and know that you helped him out when he needed you most.

  4. So sorry about Vinny. We had two pugs for the better part of my adolescence, right up to now. The remaining one passed away just last month, so I know where you’re at.


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