A Potpourri of Social Media Snippets

Book Signing 2 copy

Had a good talk with Eddy, no real news of anything changing in our relationship with CCP, and some stuff approved. But he did have some commentary to add as we talked about some of the widely-scattered places I posted last week. It was just one of those weeks where I needed to explain what Onyx Path is up to, and worth sharing here I think because the questions these folks asked me are relevant to just what we’re doing as a publisher.

From Mark Rein-Hagen’s Facebook page, Mark suggested that he’d like to see us get small print runs of books in stores (you are going to note this as a theme in these). This is one of those moments where I take the approach that I’m educating a certain amount of the readers and its a good chance to reconnect with parts of the WW community that maybe haven’t kept up on things since the End Times:

Onyx Path Publishing is definitely still evolving what we can and can’t do to get WW books and other projects out to fans. We have some constraints that we can’t change, and others- like diving right back into the RPG distribution system- wouldn’t be good for us right now. I also love a great game store, and so we’re trying different methods to get our books in to them. The Retailer Tiers in our KSs, for example, and the beta-program we are doing with providing Retailer discount off our PoDs, are initiatives that do work with how we’re set up.

Also, another poster brought up pushing towards more electronic game-aids, and more electronic publishing beyond PDFs. One of my pet ideas, as long time readers of this blog know, so this was a good chance for me to let folks know that we’re not just about the books but are also looking forward:

 I agree with you 100%. We just did our first ePub version of an RPG book with Anarchs Unbound as a special treat for backers of the KS, but that format will be available for everyone when AU goes on sale at DTRPG. It’s just the first expansion into that area, as the layout is very different and so we’re essentially recreating the book for that format, which meant we had to change our usual book creation process. But, as a first step, we think its worth it for exactly the thinking you lay out in your post. There is so much more we can do in the creation-space between a PDF and an App- we just have to get there while still satisfying our community who is looking for book books.

And finally, also in that FB conversation, we had a poster mention that they were a huge fan of Trinity and Sword and Sorcery and wished we’d revive those. Well, that was too good to pass up in terms of getting some plugs in and some knowledge passed on:

Since you bring them up- we are working on new editions of Scion RPG and the Trinity Continuum, and Stewart Wieck and I are partners in bringing back the Scarred Lands from Sword and Sorcery. Really looking forward to getting to the serious creation part of all three lines.

So that was that bunch of snippets, and then I did an interview that you can check out in all its “glory” on the Twisted Tales blog here: http://twistedtalesevents.blogspot.co.uk/ Here’s just one excerpt on the same sorts of topics above:

How do you see your stewardship of this property through Onyx Path Publishing?
RT:  In many ways, its a continuation of my years and years with White Wolf, so there’s certainly a happy familiarity there. At the same time, oddly enough, I actually feel like the strictures of our license from CCP (the company that owns the rights to WW’s games) enable us to be more creative and to try more new things than ever before. My goal with the WW properties we are licensed for- nWoD, cWoD, and Exalted- as well as with the settings we bought outright- Scion, the Trinity Continuum, and Scarred Lands- is to refresh the games and reinvigorate the community. All of these lines have fans- wonderful, devoted, fans- but they haven’t had much to get excited about for years. So the first thing we needed to do, and are still doing, is to let the community know who we are and that we’re going to revive the great games they love. A 3rd Edition for Exalted helmed by the most absolutely devoted to Exalted guys I know. 20th Anniversary Editions and then continuing new releases for the classic, “we’re never publishing stuff for them again”, World of Darkness. And retooling the entire nWoD set of game lines with the Chronicle books. Kickstarter was an unexpected huge bonus venue for getting the word out and generating excitement, so that was nice, and I pretty much hear every day from a past fan who is thrilled to discover that their favorite game is either already getting new, improved, books, or will soon.
Your shift to digital releases and print-on-demand is a response to the changing nature of the publishing industry. Has this given you greater creative freedom than back in the glory years of White Wolf?
RT: Absolutely. As much as we at White Wolf snarled and snapped and tried to push the boundaries of art in roleplaying while still being a functioning company, we were faced with limitations because of the traditional distribution set up and needing to function within it. And the bigger we got, the tighter those constraints bound us. Because if you lose a distributor when you’re small because they object to your content (and call you a bunch of “faggots and satanists”), you’re losing orders for maybe a dozen books. But lose one at our 1998 size, let’s say, and that’s be hundreds or even thousands of orders. So we had to pump out the books at a pace we all agreed was brutal, and had to hit the delivery dates or we’d be hit with a penalty reduction in orders. Or books had to be this size, or this format, or they wouldn’t get the same push into stores. I think Ethan Skemp coined the phrase “Production Treadmill” and that was what we were on. And our insanely dedicated and just plain crazy WW crew did it and did it and still were able to make some incredibly awesome books. But if you had to choose between adding more time to make something even better, or hitting the deadline- well, the book went to press. Which is not to say that we never held anything back to improve it, we did time and again, but it was with the idea that we were squeezing blood from a stone to do it. That all just wears creative people down.
With digital and PoD publishing (and with our Kickstarter efforts too, actually), we are now directly delivering our projects into the hands of the fans. This gives us the creative freedom to experiment and the direct feedback to know if the people we are creating for like what we’re doing. There are limitations to some of what we can do, because of the still evolving nature of digital and PoD publishing, but those downsides keep getting removed as that form of publishing keeps growing and maturing. We have even managed to create a beta-program to provide discounts for PoD books for retailers, and retailer tiers on our Kickstarters, so we’re even finding ways to get our books back into stores. But in ways that actually don’t disrupt the business of getting cool projects out to fans.

And finally, I wanted to reprint this response on the View From The Path blog I made to a long time WW supporter and store owner who expresses a bit of pain over the decision we made at WW (and Onyx Path has continued with) to remove our products from the distribution/retailer chain- his post and my answer came in late in the blog’s week so a bunch of folks might have missed it:

White Wolf did not get out of the traditional distribution system in order to spite retailers such as yourself. We got out because it was broken in ways we, from our end, could not fix. Sales numbers kept dropping, even though we knew there were fans and stores out there who wanted our books. Eventually, the cost of the smaller print runs we ran based on those numbers became prohibitive- would you have had us fulfill your, let’s say generously, 20 book order, by printing three thousand books? It didn’t make sense, but at the same time electronic sales were rising dramatically. It made sense to move our efforts in a growing direction.

Now let’s fast forward to the now, and because we have always appreciated and loved game stores, Onyx Path continues to try and find ways to reconnect and get some of our books into retailers’ hands. We have Retailer Tiers in all of our Kickstarters, and we have a beta program to give discounts on our PoDs to Retailers. Are the margins as good as back in the day- no, nether of these methods of physical book creation are inexpensive, so we can’t give as large a discount. But we are trying to reach out as far as we can go without toppling over.

Similarly, it’s our thinking that the Mage20 Free RPG Day Quickstart will help Retailers in the program by letting the fan base from the M20 Kickstarter know that these printed QSs are only in your stores for several weeks. Hopefully they will pop in for that and stay for your other wares. They already know how to get our products online.

How we integrate stores into what we are doing is still a work in progress, and I’d love to hear more ideas of how we can do more.


So, I share these with you to sort of illustrate how it continues to be important for Onyx Path that we get the word out further. Even though most of you ultra-cool types pop by and read this weekly rambling (because let’s face it: people who read this blog are just better people overall), there are still tons of gamers, old WW fans, and folks who’d be interested in checking out our awesome offerings if they knew about the projects we have ongoing here. Plus, as Eddy pointed out in our conversation today in response to the idea that we need to get books in stores, we now have an eternal and always open online bookstore with DriveThruRPG. No more missing out on the last copy of your favorite game book, or driving half across the state only to discover that store owner was too sick to make it in that day and open the store. Get a hankerin’ for some Changeling– you can preview almost all the published books for either Dreaming or Lost, and order either an instant PDF copy, or have a fine physical copy printed and sent to you, right then.

The other important reason, for me at least, to go over these points, is that there is an entrenched, “what we’re doing today must be what we do next year”, viewpoint that needs to be shaken up so that folks understand that one of the goals we have for Onyx is to never rest on our laurels, but always be evolving. Whether that is in how we get our projects to fans, or in how we run our Kickstarters, or who prints and ships our Deluxe books, or even the sorts of creators we work with or worlds we publish. We’re small specifically so we can move in whatever direction makes sense. Believe me, I’ve seen what happens when you get too big to maneuver.


Believe me, these are books in progress:

– Mummy the Curse – Cursed Necropolis DC- PDF, physical copy PoD, and PDF/PoD combos version are on sale on DTRPG. http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129144/Cursed-Necropolis-DC

– Book of the Deceived (MtC): Redlines. “Almost off my desk” says CA Suleiman. But not quite yet as of this writing.

– Exalted 3rd Edition:  From Holden: “Craft is DONE, meaning all 25 Abilities have now been drafted. After John finished Craft, during a review of the Charm set, we discovered that a power outage had eaten about 1,500 words of Lore Charms, which were re-written this week as well. This coming week, we’ll be catching up on the playtest results and making adjustments to various Charms in accordance with the feedback there. On other parts of the book, the coming week’s work will be focused primarily on sorcery and Evocations.”

Zub’s EX3 Comic: PDF and physical copy PoD and PDF/PoD combo version on sale at DriveThruRPG: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/128873/Exalted-Tale-of-the-Visiting-Flare. Both EX3 novels are being worked on, and notes went back on Matt Forbeck’s synopsis. The EX3 Music Suites are at a standstill right now until our composer gets through his full time job commitments.

– V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  European shipper is shipping the remaining packages to Europe. I press them for a list that confirms this news, but folks are definitely finally getting their books judging by the many relieved messages I’ve received.

– V20 Anarchs Unbound : Mirthful Mike is putting the last touches on the final PDF, ePub, PoD and then the Deluxe print files. I’ve ordered PoD proof copies. Going to try and get Reward PDFs out this week.

– V20 Rites of the Blood: layout is starting for it.

– V20 Dark Ages: Scribes are scribing 2nd Drafts and some 3rd Drafts. David Hill has delivered some art notes. Talking about the art for this this week, particularly the full page pieces.

– V20: Ghouls: In redlines.

– V20 Red List: In final draft stage. There may be a Dev blog coming for this this week, or that effort may go towards finishing it for editing.

– The Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution: Out to backers who pledged for it. Creating PoD files to go with PDF for sale on DTRPG.

– V20 Blood Diaries (Bloody Missive Collections) of the Clans: Writing.

– Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: European shipper is shipping the remaining packages to Europe. I press them for a list that confirms this news, but folks are definitely finally getting their books judging by the many relieved messages I’ve received. All Heavy Metal Deluxe W20 backers have been contacted via KS for address confirmation- if you didn’t get the message or still haven’t replied- run to your computer right now and get back to me through the “Contact Me” button under my photo on the W20 KS site. Mike Lee has delivered several new chapters this week of the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel for Bill to review. The White Howlers Tribe Book is in editing, needs art notes, and we’re looking at getting the comic done. W20 Wyld West: I ordered the PoD proof, but there may be a slight delay because Mirthful Mike ain’t no spller.

– W20 Changing Breeds The Deluxes are ready to go to the shipper- I just need to have confirmation that their shipping materials will work with our book- they are sending me one. The Changing Breeds Fiction Anthology: I ordered and am waiting for a PoD proof.

– W20 Book of the Wyrm- The Kickstarter went live last week and funded within 24 hours. We’re having a lot of fun with the Pentex Board Nominees posting their schemes and campaign platforms, and have already passed several Stretch Goals including the creation of a Pentex Employee Indoctrination Manual, a Wyrm KS t-shirt discount, and added Fallen Changing Breeds to the book itself- said topic of extra text being chosen by the backers themselves.

– W20: The Umbra: In post-second draft development.

– Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition-  Satyr Phil has one more appendix to finish his dev pass on before handing off to Bill. The Character Pack book and the “How Do You DO That?” book would then be what he gets to next.

– Mage 20 Quickstart: Printed and shipped for Free RPG Day. Go to your friendly local RPG store and ask for it- if they will have it, return, return, return on that date and get it. Buy other things at the store because they gave you the M20 QS. Go…gooooo…

– Trinity Continuum: System Doc being assembled by Joe Carriker. He says system development is really hard and apologizes for the delay. The first new piece of art in YEARS has been commissioned. nothing to see here, yet, move along.

 Scion: Waiting or sketches for the Scion: Origins cover. New character piece coming in maybe this week. Nope not this week. Next week?

– Demon: The Descent: Demon Seed Collection is in 2nd Drafts. DtD Seattle is in editing. Heirs to Hell is in layout and art is being done. Demon Translation Guide is being written. The Demon Fiction Anthology + Interfaces is in redlines

– DtD Players Guide: Flowers Of Hell: Is approved by CCP, but we are still missing the full page art.

– Hunter: Mortal Remains: The PDF and physical copy PoD and PDF/PoD combo are on sale at DTRPG: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/129193/Hunter-Mortal-Remains

– nWoD: Dark Eras: Second drafts are almost all in.

– WtF: The Idigam Chronicle: In redlines. Stew Wilson is doing a remarkably regular Friday blog that focuses on specific topics for the book- lots of good discussion happening right now: https://theonyxpath.com/category/projects/werewolftheforsaken/

– GtSE: Geist Ready Made Characters: In redlines.

– Also: Hunter: Mortal Remains skull shirts are up on our RedBubble site.

Reason to Drink: To artist Jeff Holt whose book signing piece above (and in the W20 Book of the Wyrm) manages to make Bill Bridges look scary.

32 thoughts on “A Potpourri of Social Media Snippets”

  1. The Pentex Board election seems like a lot of fun. Have you been thinking about similar ideas (or just generally innovative idea that expand what the Kickstarter platform can do) for other Onyx Path Kickstarters?

  2. In the FB thread you mentioned above, Rein-Hagen made some interesting speculations, about what could happen to the WOD IP. As a fan, it’s a little worrisome.

    But, this weekend, I had a great session of Vampire: The Requiem and Mage: The Ascension, with good people. The games are alive and well and OP is doing good work.

    And I’m so looking forward to Dark Eras.

    • First, in very real world terms, there’s always been a certain chance that things would change. So let’s enjoy the projects and the fun they bring while we can seems like a good philosophy to me. Second, Mark is just like anyone else who isn’t on the board at CCP, and so he’s just speculating like, y’know, the whole internet does. 🙂

  3. So much goodness coming soon…

    And…Mark Rein Hagen seems very…strange. Came off as kinda fake to me on his facebook posts.

    And hey, yeah, great idea. I want you guys to print up about 3,000 copies of Anarchs Unbound for the stores, too. And if they don’t sell? So what?! Eat it, Rich! Yeah!


    I want Onyx Path to go at the level of speed it feels COMFORTABLE in going.
    Onyx Path has been taking chances over the last few years, and it’s very easy to see those chances if you open your eyes with some level of optimism.

    • Yeah, it’s often hard to come off the way you intended in quick online blurbs. We’ve had, like most companies I bet, a lot of folks who think they know the best things for us since Day One. I try and accept the intended help as a thing that might be useful in and of itself.

  4. Part of me thinks that I should be tired of reading Rich’s comments about why Onyx Path is or isn’t doing this or that, but I really don’t feel it. Every one of these posts brings to light more of how this company works, and I believe that it works well!

    …For my part, I’ll keep on pointing friends to this site and your DriveThruRPG store when they ask, ‘What happened to White Wolf?’ I’ll keep on supporting these games, too. As already stated above, the games ARE still going.

    • ^^^Exactly. Games are still going, still being produced, and I’ll continue to direct them to OP every chance I get.

    • I know for a bunch of our most engaged fans that hearing the same explanations is kind of tedious, and so try and reframe the statements differently, and maybe amusingly. It’s a tough line to walk since we need to get the word out to all those folks who aren’t already aware of us, but risk turning off the very early adopters.

  5. Glad your still considering digital tools, and not just because I submitted a GUI screenshot of my personal project.

    I’d love for a gaming platform, potentially using IRC to be made with a number of tools for OWoD and NWoD. Perhaps modular with expansive tools that could be purchased. Or maybe an online toolset of sorts.

    There are a lot of things I think would require moderate development and be quite useful for fans who would be willing to make a one time purchase or monthly subscription.

  6. Hey, quick favor to ask. I got everyone hyped up last week about Flowers of Hell last week, fully expecting it to come out. Shit happens, so no worries about the art thing, but I do feel bad after having gotten a good number of people excited for an early release that wasn’t coming, so if I could implore for another small teaser as away to make up for that, I’d appreciate it. If not, well, I get that.

  7. Considering Mark Rein-Hagen’s recent offerings (Democracy, Kickstarted in 2012 and I Am Zombie, Kickstarted in 2013) haven’t been delivered and show very few signs of development, leaving a horde of refunding-demanding backers on his Kickstarter pages; I don’t feel Mark has any place to criticize or even offer advice. The man is out-of-touch and has over $80K of supporter money that he’s now trying to pile into another project (Havoc) without completing his previous commitments. The day I start seeing a company take his advice is the day I walk away from that company.

    • Well, to be fair, I’m not really the one to point fingers about KS timeliness. But I understand where you’re coming from. There are plenty of folks who have opinions (ie: the Internet), and sometimes those coincide with a direction we are moving in, sometimes not. Ultimately, no matter who is tendering advice or opinions, I can only really take Onyx Path in ways that make sense to me.

  8. Are you doing anything at the Origins convention this week? Mummy: the Curse is up for an Origins award for best RPG. There’s an open gaming area for the nominees, so that’s one way to get the word out. Unfortunately, M:tC doesn’t really lend itself to one-off play. Does Eve of Judgement have short scenarios that can be played in a couple of hours?

    Matt McFarland is going to be there, running an Innocents game Thursday,

    Is there a link to the MR*H Facebook thread?

    • A bunch of Onyx folks will be there- Matt, CA Suleiman, and some other creators. We’re not attending officially, as we made the call to just focus on Gen-Con this year with it being our first time with our own booth and all. The thread is on Mark’s FB page.

  9. I think you guys are doing a very bold and very good thing by taking the ePub route. I know the vast majority of supporters for your stuff are the gaming stores, but don’t overlook the possibility of getting back into the big retailers when it comes to the ePub market. I own an e-Reader/Tablet (a Nook, specifically), and the fact that I can’t just pop on, purchase a gaming book that I like for a game I’m running right that instant, and keep going like nothing happened does make me a little sad inside. Its also not just you guys either: NO ONE is on the e-Reader shops. Not Paizo, not Wizards, not AEG or Fantasy Flight, no one.
    Just imagine if Onyx Path could be the first… I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d love it if all of DTRPG migrated into the various ePub outlets, but one step at a time. Especially now that Barnes and Noble(TM?) has managed to secure a collaboration with Samsung for the next generation of their Nooks… I see the future in this, and I like it. A lot.

    • I don’t think you’re the only one. For us, it starts with ePub game books on DTRPG, then when we actually get a bunch if them it makes trying out a different sales venue a better option. Then we also look at other electronic options. In our spare time. 🙂

  10. I would love to see onyx path in gaming shops and on retailer shelves in general.


    but I want it to be worth OP’s time. It has to be profitable, either by sales that they have in the retailers or by helping to get the word out to other gamers that will buy the product through a different medium.

    My local gaming shop, as friendly as it it, hides it’s relatively good collection of rpgs – although they cater for Warhammer/D&D mostly (they’ve never heard of Fate or Savage Worlds…) behind a whole bunch of board games.

    Literally hidden.

    They make their money on miniatures, boardgames and primarily CCG’s – and hold many a well organized torney in their premises.

    I think the best way to help get OP, and rpg’s in general, back into gaming shops is by playing sessions down at your FLGS. The Mage Quickstart could certainly help with that down at mine!

    But then I think of my local FLGS, it’s 20 miles away and I don’t drive and have kids to look after a lot. So for a lot of gamers, especially older ones, “local” is a pretty relative word.

    I love the idea of expanding on epub – seems like a sensible way to go.

    Getting the word out to new gamers, and those that don’t know what OP does can be tricky, and I think there’s no easy and fast way of doing it (but I’m impressed with the effort that’s going into it now)

    I’ve tried explaining OP products in general to new gamers, and especially ones who are new to rpgs in general it can be a little difficult for them to wrap their heads around.

    If we just look at the books that cover the World of Darkness Classic and Old, and don’t talk about the variety of other games out or on the horizon, how they are published or OP’s relationship with CCP/WW then I still explain something along the following:

    There are two worlds of darkness, which have similar elements but can have vastly different themes. They both have supernatural element. Classic WoD has several lines called x,y,z and recently there has been a drive to publish anniversary editions and make everything ever released available.

    NWoD is based off a single corebook and has lines x,y and z which are then used on top of this. Except that they too have started to be re-released with new editions. You can get a free update online, or buy this book called the God-Machine. One of their new lines has this info in the book (Demon) – their main three lines are getting chronicle books and are stand alone (to be confirmed I think for Mage/WW) and don’t need the core or the update, but having the core and the update help..

    See that’s a little complicated for new gamers to take in – although I am happy to admit there are more elegant ways of expressing it (I’ve just typed that up quickly as a rough example).

    Personally, I’m wallowing in everything that’s there, upcoming, available soon. It’s a great time to be a massive fan of these IP’s.

    It is however quite confusing for some, and the fact that folk don’t go and play down their FLGS as much now means the word doesn’t get out as often (and you think the interwebs would help, but hey, “there a Vampire the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition!!!” comes up relatively often still!)

    • Yes, we knew the message would get a bit more confused than we wanted with the Chronicles instead of straight-up 2nd Editions for our reworked nWoD cores, but that was the situation. I figured it’s better to be confusing for a bit than not to revise and re-energize the lines. It just adds more to our message, and you want to keep the info you are trying to get out to people as concise as you can- so having to explain the Chronicles does bog us down a bit. So we do what we can, and keep answering questions like the ones I mentioned above. Thanks for spreading that message!

      • “I figured it’s better to be confusing for a bit than not to revise and re-energize the lines”

        I agree with this, and I understand it’s probably a difficult thing to juggle too.

        It’s appreciated just how much effort is put into tracking all the different social media to keep everyone abreast of how things are progressing.

        I would like to see if there’s a chance of getting the details on the front page of the OP website. I think that would help.

        In any regards, I’m happy to spread the word on what OP is doing, as many others are, and as often as I can.

  11. Mark Rein Hagen was the man back in the early early years. But that was very long ago.
    I understand that his name has a lot of credibility in the business.
    I see why he wants to have a say in something he was once a part of building up from the start. I get that.
    But this is not his baby anymore. this baby grew up a long time ago and it became something completely different.
    Ok shitty metaphor aside, I think respectfully that Onyx Path should be allowed to be where it is doing what it does best. Things change and we all have to accept that Tabletop RPG’s are not the largest or trendiest hobby in the world.
    Wish it was, but it is not.

    Our FLGS is not really that friendly anymore.
    They are slowly removing all their Tabletop rpgs (there is hardly anything left except some space for the next edition of D&D).
    So f¤% that.
    I get my kicks on Drive thru RPG and they deliver.
    The fact they also do PoD is just awesome.

    I understand all those who are in the retail who wants Onyx Path and WW back to what it was, but that way of doing business is really expensive for any RPG maker that is not something with dragons or a path in their name (no disrespect to either).

    People have to start accepting that things change. It costs moneyz to make this stuff go around.

    Products in process:
    Really exited to see more on Dark Eras!

    I dont know what sort of drug you are force-feeding Stew with, but keep doing that! His weekly posts on WtF IC is like opening a small rpg present every week.

    Im very happy with Mortal remains. It reminded me how much I love that game.
    Lots of stuff I would like to see more of in Hunter the Vigil in the future, or any game line for that matter.

  12. I’m one of the regular readers of the news posts of OP, but a lazy writer (first time this is) and a WW-fan since the magazine and early VtM.

    But we (my regular WoD-group), too, percieved the immense output of sourcebooks, campaings etc. WW produced during the late WoD-classic-years. When the Ashen Knight, the Ashen Tief, the Ashen Cults were published, we werent simlply not able to keep up to date reading all the books of those gamelines we were interested in. Which resulted in the slight pun of awating the Cousin of the Ashen Knight book, the Brother of the Cousin of the Ashen Knight… and so on.

    Long story short: I appreciate the concept RT takes with OP! If you look at the overall publications this small company works on and has published in the past it’s amazing, they get THAT much done. And I prefer to wait a month or three more, if I dont have to see any more page XX like in years and books ages ago. 😉

  13. I almost missed this one… it was missing the Monday Morning tag. :-/

    Yeah, it’s a bit sad that folks aren’t aware of the business of OPP because they’re out of the loop, and it’s also sad that OPP can’t just put books out in retail shops (because of the super-tight margins with PoD printing.)

    Something also pretty poignant to OPP is the interaction with the community that sort of existed with White Wolf, but which has really been taken to the next level.

  14. Rich, in the vein of electronic game-aids and such have you considered creating a character generator of sorts? Maybe one for each supernatural template and one for mortals? I enjoy creating NPCs for my characters but it can get long winded at times.

    • I’d second that, it would be great

      …but I’d also very much like a fully fledged NPC book covering all the bases.


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