GM’s Day Sale!

gmday It’s GM’s Day again on DriveThruRPG, and once again a number of White Wolf and Onyx Path PDFs are available for 30% off!

The sale only lasts for one week (ending in the morning on March 10th), so get them while you can!

3 thoughts on “GM’s Day Sale!”

  1. Here I was hoping the next update would be for Forsaken second edition.

    Still this is fortuitous, there’s a lot of Hunter the Reckoning stuff and I’ve been on an HtR kick lately. I think the in-world fluff helps flesh it out and make it more accessible even for fans of new World of Darkness. It seems less bound by canon and more viscerally, ‘This is what it’s like to be a hunter.’ And Block by Bloody Block is there too, this is great.

      • Op! Same as new comic books. And probably hundreds of other things I’ve ever noticed. Sometimes the days just blend together until the week is one harried blur. Thanks for the heads up.


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