Comin’ atcha on Thursday the 18th when the Trinity Continuum: Anima Kickstarter starts at 2pm Eastern US time!
If you want to be notified automatically, here’s the link to our TC: Anima KS Pre-Launch page:
Sign up and get notified when the KS goes live!
Yep, we’re excited over here. Not just because we’re bringing a very new and modern take on cyberpunk settings to the Trinity Continuum. And not just because we’re bringing a brand new fantasy setting to the Trinity Continuum.
But because we’re combining both settings into the same game and you can play them separately – or together, intertwining the threats and crisis of one with the other because the fantasy setting is within a virtual world enmeshed in the cyberpunk setting!
We’re also excited because this combination of two game settings in one was only possible because I was pitched a version of this several years ago by a fan and he was willing to collaborate on how we could work with his ideas and Ian’s to make a new setting – the first new setting – for the Trinity Continuum.
So if you think that we’re excited, we don’t have anything on Dominic Parent, the fella who originally pitched their cool concept to me. In fact, here he is know to share some of that excitement:
I always believed Anima was a strong idea. Something truly special. Just one tiny problem, I’d had decades of experience playing TTRPGs, but none in making them. So when I was ready to show it, I had to find the right people to work with.
I was a huge fan of Onyx Path and I knew they were exactly the kind of people I wanted to work with. Thus, I took a deep breath and I reached out to Richard Thomas, nervous as hell, and presented the idea. When he said “let me talk to the team about it”, I was already happy I’d gotten this far. And then he said “We’re in”.
Holy. CRAP! It was happening.
Since then it’s been a dream come true! Like pieces of a puzzle that were always meant to be together. Anima was always a tale of two worlds, one physical and one digital. I had the digital world, but couldn’t quite figure out the physical one. Just like Onyx Path had a physical world in need of a digital counterpart. My world and theirs merged perfectly! Trinity Continuum: Anima as is exists today was born and it was a sight to behold!
And now, now we get to share it with the world in just a few days. I couldn’t be happier.
We have the links to the teasers for TC:Anima below in the Blurbs section, and here’s a link to the latest Actual Play by the Polyhedron Podcast crew featuring our own Eddie Webb and Dixie Cochran!

So, What Else?…
In our Monday Meeting today, we also talked about how we’re going to handle the next few conventions – we’re not attending but individuals probably will – and whether we’ll try and start another KS before the year is out – answer hazy, try back later.
We reviewed a question we’ve been seeing in our social media: “That sounds cool, but how do we get your stuff?”
So, just to review so that those of you who already know this can pass it on to your friends who might not, every Wednesday we put at least one new project up for sale on DriveThruRPG or on our RedBubble store if it is merchandise.
Like, the PDF and physical book PoDs for Legendlore went on sale last Wednesday and Party Beach Creature Feature: the They Came From Beneath the Sea! Jumpstart Advance PDF goes on sale this coming Wednesday the 17th. Both on DTRPG.
I talked a bit about Legendlore last week, but let me just repeat that it is an awesome take on a D&D5e fantasy world that is actually altered by those who travel there from our world, like most of the player characters. And because they do come from our current world, the setting is far more in tune with the concerns we have now, rather than those of multiple editions/decades ago.
If you were interested in They Came From Beneath the Sea!, then this TCFBtS! Jumpstart, the Beach Party Creature Feature, is the perfect way to get into it. In general, we do try and make our Jumpstarts useful for folks wanting an easy on-ramp to a game line, and also cool and filled with equally useful bits for the experienced fan.
We’ve experimented with a bunch of formats over the years, but think we’ve hit a sweet spot here with this one and the TCFBtGrave! Jumpstart from a few weeks ago.

Also, speaking of the weekly Wednesday On Sale announcements, Ian also adds links to our ongoing, post-Kickstarter campaign, BackerKit pages every Wednesday, which is another way to get our stuff. Once we run a KS, we create one of these BackerKit pages for both the backers of the KS to use to receive links to their rewards and all that, and also for folks who didn’t back during the KS but would be interested in doing so now.
These pages are up for months, so if there are some of our KSs you wish you’d been able to pledge to, please do look their BackerKit pages up.
Now, besides PDFs and PoDs, we have select traditionally printed books that by-and-large come from our Kickstarter campaigns; both Deluxe versions and standard books that we ship to stores: so you can contact your favorite local store and either pick up the game you’re looking for there, or ask them to ask their distributor to order it from Studio2, one of our sales partners.
Stores can also order direct from Studio2 and another of our sales partners, Indie Press Revolution (IPR) – who is also running a sale on our extra Deluxe projects from KSs as linked to below in the Blurbs section. You can also look those folks up yourself and order on their websites!
Hope that helps!

I also touched base with Dixie and Eddie to thank them for their very kind words during the recording of a panel last Friday discussing my long-time D&D setting: The Crossroads Continent. They, and several other of our friends, were the first folks I have DM’d for using the D&D5e rules in that setting, and while I knew I had a great time, it was so very satisfying to hear that they did too.
This is the second time we recorded this panel, as the first was eaten by Twitch, so I was grateful for the chance to be able to go into the inspirations behind, and the plans for, the CRC, and to have everyone share their impressions. Here’s a link to it:
As Travis and I mention during the panel, we’re working on a magic items book for the setting, and then I’m compiling three or four notebooks full of, well, notes on the history of the world in order to give us a single reference for further projects. I mean, I wish I could remember every detail after more than 40 years of the world, but after all, I do take care of so:
Many Worlds, One Path!

COMING THIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, at 2pm Eastern US time: We’ll be Kickstarting the next core book in the Trinity Continuum: Anima!
Onyx Path Media!

This week: Release Rundown! as the Terrifically Terrible Trio give their insider views of the many recent TTRPGs released by Onyx Path. Which one does Matthew love? Which one does Dixie hate? Listen in to find out!
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
For anyone new to our media section, you can find us running and playing games over on twitch.tv/theonyxpath every day of the week! Plus, if you’d like your games hosted there, just get in touch with Matthew Dawkins using the contact link on matthewdawkins.com.
Please check out our attached media schedule for the impressive number of videos on our Twitch channel this week! In particular, keep those eyes open for our Storypath Showcase, where we give an excellent profile of our various Storypath games and how to play them!

HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: We’re highlighting this one again for you (one last time!), because it’s now gone live! Challenge the Fates is a new Exalted: Essence actual play run by the fine folks at Devil’s Luck Gaming! You can check out the first episode, which was broadcast yesterday, over on their Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/devilsluckgaming

PLUS! We would love it if you checked out our Trinity Continuum: Anima teaser videos:
CASCADE https://youtu.be/7k_rbIXlH6c
INSIDE SYNESTIA: https://youtu.be/u78wo7enBlI
Check out those teasers and join us in getting hyped for the game!
Come take a look at our YouTube channel, youtube.com/user/theonyxpath, where you can find a whole load of videos of actual plays, dissections of our games, and more. Please subscribe and click the bell icon if you want to be notified whenever new news videos and uploads come online! Please check the following videos out:
Onyx Path Crossroads Continent Panel: https://youtu.be/qR7sUHG3SjM
Trinity Continuum Anima: Polyhedron Podcast Actual Play – Episode One: https://youtu.be/ahL_PqMtDvE
Trinity Continuum Anima: Polyhedron Podcast Actual Play – Episode Two: https://youtu.be/akzFitPJaSs
Trinity Continuum Anima: Polyhedron Podcast Actual Play – Episode Three: https://youtu.be/gf4sZ80CHF8
(You can also find the Polyhedron Podcast‘s Anima actual play right here, in audio form: http://metahedronstudios.com/polyhedron)
Storypath Showcase: Dystopia Rising Evolution – Session Zero: https://youtu.be/AJFMwZvZzII
Storypath Showcase: Dystopia Rising Evolution – Session One: https://youtu.be/Ee2FgVTRXms
Storypath Showcase: Dystopia Rising Evolution – Session Two: https://youtu.be/-To9lmix4Pc
Trinity Continuum Aberrant – The Entelechy Archive: Session Five: https://youtu.be/PThilIbH64M
Scarred Lands – Sins of Shelzar – S2E5: https://youtu.be/ingG2kdXvHw
And a big thank you to everyone who followed along our Deviant actual play, and Eric, its excellent Storyteller and developer.
Simulacra TV‘s amazingAberrant actual play – Atomic Youth – continues! This is a great actual play and really worth checking out if you’re interested in getting into Aberrant. Here’s their latest amazing episode: https://youtu.be/XDKb5doy2Rg
Do give Simulacra TV your time and patronage. They deserve your subscriptions!
Aberrant: Atomic Youth episodes premiere Wednesdays at 5pm EDT on https://www.twitch.tv/SimulacraTV
ExalTwitch: Academy Season Two follows
three young Dragon-Bloods in the aftermath of their school’s
destruction. The House of Bells’ fall was blamed on Anathema corrupting
the student body, but Oresta, Pyres, and Gale Whispered must clear their
names and seek out those actually responsible before the Realm
Watch ExalTwitch: Academy live every Sunday at 18:00 ET on https://www.twitch.tv/rpgclinic.
And here are the latest episodes of the new season for you! If you’ve missed any, the videos in their back catalogue are easy to find. All you have to do is subscribe.
S02E13: https://youtu.be/_Ye4cbuhiOE
S02E14: https://youtu.be/MaC8haJQ-ME
S02E15: https://youtu.be/716gBSU6BGw
S02E16: https://youtu.be/kfoO6cIJPNE
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! The dev team has been doing updates since we launched and appreciate your notes and feedback!
Virtual Tabletop!

Jump into the Trinity Continuum with 3 NEW Astral Jumpstarts!
The Trinity Continuum is a vast timeline of adventure, speckled with dramatic points across the past, present, and future. Explore parts of the Trinity Continuum timeline with these three Jumpstarts fully enabled for play on Astral TableTop. Each Jumpstart includes ready-to-play characters and all the rules you need to embark on your Astral adventure.

A Quantum Leap (A Trinity Continuum: Jumpstart)
A group of cultists is playing with matter altering explosives beyond their control. Join forces with 3-5 players to track down and stop them before the universe as we know it is changed forever.

The Adventures of Teen Tomorrow (A Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Jumpstart)
Bring the superhero action to your table with all the rules you need to assume the roles of Teen Tomorrow and jump right into play! This adventure is designed for 3-6 players.

Quantum Entanglement (A Trinity Continuum: Aeon Jumpstart)
The Stars Await! – Launch yourself onto the galactic stage with this high-flying, interstellar romp. Includes everything you need to run this adventure for 3-5 players.
Also on Astral TableTop is the Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb for Realms of Pugmire!
Play Now on Astral TableTop!
The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb
module comes with all the maps and encounters, ready to play, along
with pre-generated characters and character sheets wired up for
automated rolling. It also offers the GameMaster some guidance on
playing the scenario on Astral for those GMs new to the platform or
entirely new to virtual tabletops (VTT).
Create a free account first, then the Quickstarts will be available on the Home page. If you are getting this via DTRPG, after checkout, look for the link to unlock your adventure on Astral.
Also on Astral TableTop, we have two free projects: Scion 2E: A Light Extinguished and Scarred Lands: Gauntlet of Spiragos and this Dagger of Spiragos module for sale: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/336406/Dagger-of-Spiragos-5e–Astral-VTT
Astral TableTop is the easiest way to play any tabletop RPG online, free. Astral already supports popular systems like D&D and Pathfinder, and Astral can support virtually any tabletop roleplaying game. Get started quickly with built-in support for most popular game systems. Whether you’re brand new to TTRPGs or a veteran tabletop gamer, Astral‘s ease-of-use and built in automation is designed to streamline gameplay.
How to guides and FAQ: https://help.astraltabletop.com/
Here is the main filter for all of our current VTT content on DTRPG:
A few highlights of our platform agnostic content:
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these latest fiction books:

Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!
You can pick up the traditionally printed Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau main books, screens, and the official dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
Now, we’ve added Chronicles of Darkness books such as Changeling: The Lost Second Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And now Scion Origin and Scion Hero and Trinity Continuum Core and Trinity Continuum: Aeon are available to order!
We have the CofD: Dark Eras Screen and V20 Lore of the Clans on sale for 50% (until they are gone) over at IPR:

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!

This Wednesday put your toe in the waters and start your swim, never knowing that They Came From Beneath The Sea!’s Jumpstart: Party Beach Creature Feature is coming to save you! Advance PDF available on DTRPG!
They Came from Beneath the Sea! is a campy, action-filled, horrifying tabletop roleplaying game of 1950s science fiction, taking the best (and worst) bits from the B-movies of the era and presenting them as a thoroughly entertaining story.
This jumpstart provides you with all the tools you need to start a story of They Came from Beneath the Sea! and tell many stories to follow.
They Came from Beneath the Sea! uses the Storypath System, provided in the pages of this book!
Party Beach Creature Feature includes:
• Six playable characters — including an Everyman, a Survivor, a G-Man, a Mouth, and a Scientist.
• A story split across three acts, perfect for a one-shot or convention play.
• Creatures from the deep and villains from the land to throw at your players.
• All the Cinematic powers, Quips, and Storypath System mechanics you need to run the game right from the page.

We’ll also have PDFs of some of the Game Screens we’ll be printing and getting out to folks in the new year on sale at DTRPG this Wednesday!
Because dates for physical conventions are subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we don’t yet have a list of upcoming physical conventions. Instead, keep an eye out here for more virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!
While we won’t be attending as a company, some of our folks will be attending both PAX Unplugged in Philly in a few weeks, and Midwinter Convention in Milwaukee in January. Seek them out if you are attending those cons!
And now, the new project status updates!
Development Status from Eddy Webb! (Projects in bold have changed status since last week.):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep.)
- Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
- Terat Novella (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
- Squeaks in the Deep Jumpstart (Realms of Pugmire)
- Tasty Bit: Polyphemus (Trinity Continuum)
- Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Tome of the Pentacle (Mage: the Awakening 2e)
- Scion: God (Scion 2e)
- With Great Power (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
- Scion: Dragon Companion (Scion 2nd Edition)
- W20 Howls of Apocalypse Scenario Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
- Adventure! Addendum (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
Second Draft
- The Hedge (Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition)
- Whispers From Darkness (was Masks of the Mythos Companion) (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Scion: Dragon Jumpstart (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Wild Hunt (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Bizarre Tales and Unusual Characters (M20 Victorian)
- Weird Wonders and Revolutionary Magick (M20 Victorian)
- Squeaks in the Deep Companion (Realms of Pugmire)
- No Gods, No Masters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
- Trinity Continuum: Aether core book (Trinity Continuum: Aether)
Post-Approval Development
- Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Adversaries of the Righteous (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- W20 Icons of Rage (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
- Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- The Book of Lasting Death (Mummy: The Curse 2e)
- Dead Man’s Rust (Scarred Lands)
- M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
- The Clades Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
- CtL2e Novella Collection: Hollow Courts (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution Fiction Anthology (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
- Legacies of Earth (Legendlore)
- TC: Aeon Novella: Meridian (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
- Exalted Essence Edition (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Proteus Nova Compendium (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
- They Came From [Classified]! Jumpstart (They Came From…!)
- Realms of Magic and Mystery (was Terra Incognita) (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Vigil Watch: The Kelder Mountains (Scarred Lands)
- The Paranormal Investigator’s Handbook (WoD 20th)
- Apocalyptic Record (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
- M20 Lore of the Traditions (Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
- Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Panopticon Novella (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
- Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
- They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave! core book (They Came From…!)
- TC: Adventure! Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
- Tasty Bit: They Came From the Bermuda Triangle!
Post-Editing Development
- Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Squeaks In The Deep (Realms of Pugmire)
- Novas Worldwide (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
- Saints and Monsters (Scion 2nd Edition)
- Trinity Continuum: Assassins (Trinity Continuum Core)
- Prometheus Unbound (was Psi Orders) (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
- Ghost Hunters Jumpstart w/RMCs (WoD 20th)
- The Devoted Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
- Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure! core (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
- Heroes in a World of Horror! (They Came From…!)
- Mission Statements (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
- Tales of Depravity! (They Came From…!)
- Trinity Continuum: Anima
- They Came From [Classified]! (They Came From…!)
- Once and Future (Scion 2nd Edition)
- They Came From Beyond the Grave! (They Came From…!)
Art Direction from Mike Chaney!
In Art Direction
- Scion: Dragon – Getting Gong on board for the Flights.
- Masks of the Mythos
- TC: Adventure! (KS)
- M20 Victorian (KS)
- Dead Man’s Rust – Sending over to Maria to AD.
- Exalted Essence – Art buy figured.
- TC Mission Statements
- Squeaks In The Deep
- Realms of Magic and Mystery – Rolling along.
- TC: Anima (KS) – Finishing KS assets.
- TC: Assassin
- Legendlore: Legacies of the Earth
- Novas Worldwide
- W20 Apocalyptic Record
- Mage20 Lore of the Traditions – KS art AD’d
- TCFBtG! Monsters From the Crypt
- They Came From [CLASSIFIED]! and They Came From the Cyclops’s Cave
- Kith and Kin – Art buy figured out. Awaiting art notes.
- EX3 Exigents (KS) – Awaiting art notes for KS.
In Layout
- Scion: Demigod
- Squeaks in the Deep Screen
- Squeaks in the Deep
- TC Prometheus Unbound
- TGFBtG! Screen
- HtV 2e Screen
- Legendlore Screen
- Ghost Hunters Jumpstart and RMCs
- Paranormalists Handbook
- Saints and Monsters
- TCFGtG! Heroes in a World of Horror – Over to Ron Thompson.
- Hunter: The Vigil 2e – PgXXing.
- Spiragos Collected Adventures
- They Came From Beyond the Grave! – In Indexing.
- TC: Aberrant Storypath Nexus materials
- They Came From Camp Murder Lake! – Prepping PDF and PoD files.
- They Came From Beyond the Grave! Jumpstart
- TC Aberrant N!WE – Backer PDF out to backers for errata.
- Hundred Devils Night Parade – Advance PDF errata input.
- M20 Technocracy Dossier/Companion
- Aberrant VTT
At Press
- M20 Technocracy Reloaded – Deluxe getting ready for press.
- Mummy 2e – Getting ready for press.
- Mummy 2e Screen – Files sent to printer.
- Deviant – Press proofs back to printer.
- Deviant Screen – Files sent to printer.
- Technocracy Reloaded Screen – Files sent to printer.
- WoD Ghost Hunters – Trad printed book files with printer.
- WoD Ghost Hunters Screen – Prepping for printer.
- M20 Rich Bastards Guide – Advance PDF gathering errata.
- Legendlore – Trad printed book files with printer.
- TC Aeon Novella: Dawn – PoD proof ordered.
- V5 Forbidden Religions – PoD proof ordered.
- M20 Technocracy Jumpstart – PoD proof ordered.
- Tales of Heroes: Scion Fiction Anthology – Backer PDF errata ending.
- They Came From Beneath the Sea! Jumpstart – Advance PDF going on ale at DTRPG this Wednesday!
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Coincidences. Those weird moments where two or more things are linked – buy why? Like all of these are from today in:
1979 – A package from Unabomber Ted Kaczynski begins smoking in the cargo hold of a flight from Chicago to Washington, D.C., forcing the plane to make an emergency landing.
1985 – A research assistant is injured when a package from the Unabomber addressed to a University of Michigan professor explodes.
2001 – Microsoft launches the Xbox game console.
2013 – Sony releases the PlayStation 4 (PS4) game console.
Tome of the Pentacle has been in Redlines for over 6 months, what is going on with it?
To quote Rich’s reply in an earlier Monday Meeting Notes:
It’s being worked on and is currently in the redlines stage, as you note. I’ve talked a lot about how the events of the past couple of years didn’t suddenly stop once we got to January 1, 2021, and some projects were affected more than others as our creators dealt with personal issues arising from the events of 2019-2020 including the pandemic. Hope that helps put that time in redlines in perspective, thanks!
I ge that, it just felt weird that stuff from other games that’s been announced and initiated way after it has moved way further. Iirc The Hedge is at a similar pace. The exception re: cofd are the KS’d games, afaik.
Btw, I recall that when Dave B was the Mage dev he’s mentioned there would be an upcoming book called “Fallen Worlds” or something like that. Is that still true?
“it just felt weird that stuff from other games that’s been announced and initiated way after it has moved way further.”
That would be the “some projects were affected more than others” part of Rich’s post. Everyone had distinct reactions to the problems of the past two years, above and beyond logistic concerns.
That Paul Tobin art is well done but pretty uh grim. Guess we’ll be seeing more impaled women with the increase of owod stuff.
The above mentioned PoD physical books are currently not an alternative, either, at least for me in germany (maybe the whole EU). The printer of DriveThru for the EU seems to be in Britain and because of Brexit and other custom-problems two PoD books I orderd at the start of september are at german customs since two (!) months. They have just more to do than time to do it… just as an information, no criticism in any form.
I feel for you! The shipping and import/export situation is just awful around the world. That’s why I’ve kind of been stressing the reports we’ve been getting, because we’re a few steps back from the front lines but most of our community aren’t aware of how things have gone in these other industries. I have huge delays on some of the books I order proofs for, and others come in in reasonable time, but that could change overnight. Similarly, everything looks like its going to slow down when it comes to ordering from now (actually a week or so ago) until the end of the year, which is why I put up warnings to order ASAP a few weeks ago. Hang in there, I’m sure they will get to you soon!
Thx, yes. I will persevere. I even ordered another book, while those two are “a bit late”, but I know they will arrive sometime. I’m just a consumer who has to wait a bit longer. Even if this is annoying, no greater harm done.
But for you as anyone who makes a living by products that are affected by all those different but somehow connected global problems it’s much more of a concern. It’s rough on many different levels.
Be strong – I’m a huge fan of your work and that of the whole Crew of Onyx Path
Probably if the holiday shopping season doesn’t lag to badly, consumers won’t be aware still – but if it does, or Amazon fails in its promises to keep getting everything to everybody fast, then these issues will pop forward into everyone’s awareness. Sorry you had to know about it directly. Thanks for your support! I know companies say that all the time, but it really does mean a lot to all of us trying to create new worlds and new fun experiences and get them out to the folks that enjoy them!
Have you guys gotten the go-ahead for Sidereals but no one has the bandwidth to work on it yet? I know you have to work with the company that holds the license and if the situation is something you cannot comment on, then I get that. I was just asking out of curiosity.
If it isn’t up on the First Draft stage we don’t confirm or deny until it is. Saves a lot of problems if there are tweaks to the plan for the book.