Kick(start) My Dog

Meeting Notes Note: The picture actually has nothing to do with the meeting. It’s just a funny picture of my old pug, Vinny, covered in $20 bills. He’s pretty gangsta. I’m settling into the new office in Decatur. Because I pre-planned, I got internet access and my desk all set up before anyone else, which … Read more

No Jocularity

Meeting Notes Rich dives right into serious business — no jocularity this week. CCP is moving offices from Stone Mountain to Decatur this weekend. As such, we’ll be without email from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon or so. The website should be unaffected (aside from the wikis, which are locked during the move). Rich asked … Read more

Thuggish Bridesmaids

Meeting Notes The wedding was beautiful. Everything seemed to work out, and Rich didn’t really have any time to have withdrawal from the Internet. We share stories about bridesmaids threatening to thug someone. His dog goes crazy as the UPS guy delivers some more PoD proofs to review. I’m learning German. Not enough to actually say anything, though. … Read more

Bad Picture Host

Meeting Notes A fair amount of the meeting was trying to work with Rich on getting pictures to work right on the new Kickstarter project page. Flickr doesn’t host photos the same anymore, which broke things, so we tried to use Photobucket instead, with mixed success. I ran out of tricks. We talk a bit … Read more

Take Your Vitamins

Meeting Notes We moved our Monday meeting to Wednesday because I had a day-long planning meeting for the WoD MMO. We both lament having to take vitamins. I think they’re getting bigger as I get older. The Blood Sorcery and Children of the Revolution art direction is going on simultaneously. Rich is looking at some … Read more

Count Cho… Dracula

Meeting Notes Rich remarks on the funny Dracula bust I now have as my Skype picture. I point out that Bill gave it to me for my desk. (The picture is on the right — you can even see my bag cowering behind it.) I talk about taking a CS101 course to brush up on my … Read more

Fast Meeting

Meeting Notes We only had time for a quick half-hour meeting this week, so we quickly hit the high points. We’re set for GenCon. I need to get my badge, though. Justin reached out to me to do some writing on Children of the Revolution, which I’ve started on. Victorian Lost first draft layout for … Read more

May The Odds Always Be In Your Favor

Meeting Notes Lot of family stuff for Rich this weekend, between Easter and a bridal shower for his daughter on Saturday. We both saw Hunger Games, and we both really liked it. Rich liked the art direction. I liked the elements of the first-person perspective in the cinematography. Rich talked about a scary Rice Crispies … Read more

70s Prog Rock

Meeting Notes Rich’s distrust of the medical community appears to be shared by the medical community. Art on Victorian Lost is iterating. Working on Kickstarter ideas for Children of the Revolution. Kelley Barnes is helping us out with some marketing ideas. The economics of going from Kickstarter to Kickstarter. Also, we both supported Dinopocalypse Now! … Read more