Pollen Count = Body Count

Meeting Notes It’s pollen season in Atlanta. Of course, Rich is safely tucked away in a different state, so I’m the only one suffering. If you’ve never been to Atlanta before, that yellow crap in the picture is exactly what it looks like. It’s so damned attractive, let me tell you. We talked a bit … Read more

John Carter of Venus. Wait, no, Mars.

Meeting Notes Pollen has fallen in Atlanta. I’m still groggy from the allergy meds. Rich’s flu is about over, but a LOT of people in his area came down with it at about the same time. Weirdly, his kids didn’t get sick. We talked John Carter. We both really liked it. I see his point on … Read more

Sick Monster

Meeting Notes Rich is feeling pretty crappy today, so we kept the meeting short so he could get back to bed and keep sleeping it off. We talk a little about wrapping up season one of our online V20 game, and how long it’s been since either of us has played Masquerade tabletop regularly. V20 … Read more

The Kicking and Starting Have Succeeded

Meeting Notes As we start the meeting, I let Rich know that a 1994 study confirms that garlic actually attracts vampire. THIS IS SCIENCE. The V20 Companion Kickstarter has reached its goal! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed and spread the word – the credits page is going to be huge. Can it … Read more

Fare Thee Well, Mike

Meeting Notes I went to see John Oliver live last weekend. Lots of fun. Rich is within a few hours of a final proof for the Werewolf Translation Guide. Victorian Lost art coming in, and edited text all to Rich. Talking with Russell about new Requiem products. We talk about demons and machine gods. W20’s … Read more

Kickstart Your Companion

Meeting Notes V20 Companion Kickstarter doing really well — almost halfway funded already! New reward tiers coming. First drafts of W20 are rolling in. There should be some open development posts next month. Starting to discuss translation rights for V20 with publishing companies that want to print translated versions. (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, maybe Portugal, … Read more

Gamer Girls

Meeting Minutes I scarf down a lunch of perogies and pork while Rich talks about his kid’s eating habits. Rich agrees me that bacon makes everything better. HEAR THAT, MEREDITH? Rich talks to me about some of the ideas Justin’s had for Masquerade. It sounds promising. Justin also has a video almost done. We talked a … Read more

Pull In Case of Emergency

Meeting Notes I’m still recovering from a sudden trip to and from Ohio for a family emergency, as well as planning and moving to a new team on the World of Darkness MMO, so I’m still a little spaced out. Rich and I talk a bit about personal stuff, as well as some of the … Read more

Hashtag Hangout

Meeting Notes I’m running behind, as a WoD MMO meeting ran long and I rushed to grab lunch. Meanwhile, Justin emails Rich and me about hashtags. Once I get on Skype, Rich and I talk a little about Google Hangouts, which we used last night for my Vampire game. We talk about business and finances. … Read more

I Am So Damned Sore

Meeting Notes Rich and I trade fitness stories. I am so sore from working out for three days straight. Meanwhile, Rich is below 200 pounds, having lots about 60 pounds over the past couple of years. We talk a lot about the various roadblocks and nuances for the 2012 and 2013 schedule. Nothing we can really … Read more