Creating Pugmire Poster #1 [Pugmire]

At last January’s MidWinter Convention, I was amazed at how quickly the Pugmire playtesters gravitated to the small bits of setting info available for the playtest. Specifically, the first tenet of the Code of Man: “By a good dog.” During the course of several hours, the playtesters uttered, snarled, shouted, and whispered that phrase as … Read more

We Started Like You. [Monday Meeting Notes]

One of the things we talked about today during the Monday Meetings was something brought up in discussing last week’s MMN blog and also in Eddy’s AMA last week, IIRC. That is, how do folks get their work noticed and published and become part of these RPG writing teams? Basically, how do you go from … Read more

Oh, the Humanity! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Sometimes the tormented artist look like in Efrem Palacio’s piece from V20 Lore of the Clans is exactly what is on my face while working on a piece of art. But these days, that expression is more likely to appear as I read online how I, or Onyx Path, or one of our creative team-mates, … Read more

2 Days Before- [Monday Meeting Notes]

We’ve been talking a lot about the incredible response that we got from the nWoD Dark Eras Kickstarter. The more we discuss it the better historical era gaming sounds, and judging by the never-ending buckets of emails and posts we get, most of you agree. Things were really bad back then in history, and it … Read more