First Monday Lunch in 2013, Now With Added Fiber.

Welcome to the New Year, friends! Most of what Eddy and I discussed was housing in Atlanta (a lot of friends are shuffling housing and jobs), and the WW 2014 Schedule. We’ve got some pretty great submissions from the Developers (which is how a year’s schedule is put together: interested parties pitch their ideas and … Read more

Why We’re Media Junkies.

You folks out there might notice that I start a lot of these Monday Lunch Meeting Notes by mentioning that Eddy and I talked about this show, or this book, or this game or movie, etc.  That’s because we like to compare notes as to what we enjoyed in the previous week- you have to … Read more

Mummy Getting All Wrapped Up…

Not much in the way of cultural reference in our talk today- mostly talking approval processes and schedules. Did go over a bit on the #1reasonwhy commentaries on Twitter and elsewhere as both Eddy and I have very strong opinions on the importance and value of women game designers and other creators. One of the … Read more

Post-Turkey, Pre-Fir Tree

Wow- where did November go? So Eddy and I caught up on the holiday, some positive infrastructure evolution at CCP USA, and only a little talk about Rise of the Guardians, which I was hesitant to see based on reviews and then enjoyed when dragged there by my kids. Lots of very pretty and evocative … Read more

‘Ears to you, Eddy Webb.

Eddy had some great news, health-wise. He’s had almost no perceptible hearing loss from the operations and is pretty much back to where he was earlier this year- which the doctor says is an amazing recovery. Good on you, mate! We spent far too long on a kind of dual train of consciousness conversation that … Read more

The Finest Actor of His Generation

After a week of knuckling down and trying to get caught up after Sandy (not completely up to date, but made a dent in it- thanks for asking) I went out last night to see Shatner’s World and very much enjoyed seeing a man whose message was “Say yes- take risks”. Eddy and I discussed … Read more

Glad That Week is Over!

Thanks, Sandy- it was great. I’ll call you. Really. So, a week ago I mentioned I might lose power and be out of touch for a few days. Turned into almost a week. I had no internet access for most of that time and even my phone data wasn’t really working right until Friday. So … Read more