Avengers, Collate! Wait, that’s not it….

Meeting Notes

  • Since Rich and I met last week on Thursday, we didn’t have too much to go over this time around.
  • I spent the weekend playing the Secret World beta, and got some interesting ideas, even if the background did remind me of an RPG design I had back in 1997.
  • Rich is getting ready for his daughter’s wedding, and likely will be off the Internet for a few days this coming weekend. I’m not sure he’ll survive the experience.
  • We both saw the Avengers. We both really liked it, and I tried to keep my gushing to a minimum.
  • We debate the “grimdark” Batman.
  • Getting to work finally, we talk over the final lingering points of Victorian Lost before it goes to the PoD printer.
  • I let Rich know that CCP is moving offices from June 1-4, so white-wolf.com and email services will be down. It shouldn’t impact things like whitewolfblogs.com or the Kickstarter stuff, though.
  • Speaking of which, the Children of the Revolution Kickstarter is rolling along nicely. 50% done already! All of the comments we’ve heard so far are appreciated, and we’re constantly improving how we do things, especially the Kickstarters for W20 and Mummy.
  • Kickstarter has also taught us that no one wants to game with Justin.
  • Sadly, Blood Sorcery is going to be pushed back a month as Rich works on getting art for it.

Today’s Reason to Drink: Diablo III launches at midnight tonight!

7 thoughts on “Avengers, Collate! Wait, that’s not it….”

  1. One thing I didnt see with the CotR kickstarter that I would like to see with the Mummy and W20 one is the option for a Deluxe + POD copy (yes, Im willing to pay extra for this). I really like my V20 and cant wait to get my POD copy so that I can use that at the game table and reserve my deluxe copy for my personal use.

    Any hope that both of these will offer the added POD option??

  2. Really looking forward to the Victorian Lost book, it’s been a long time coming and a long time i’ve been saving up for it!
    I havn’t found a kickstarter yet that i’ve been tempted to give to, but finally i’m seeing Mummy as one that i would definetly give to… so just tell me where to sign up. Looking forward also to getting in and contributing as much as i’m humanly possible to it’s open development.
    I know things have been tough with the cutbacks and still charging ahead full steam to get all you can get done, but i gotta tell you guys that your doing a hell of a job! Keep up the great work all!

  3. ***Please*** do not use the artist you used for Dead Love on Blood Sorcery. I dont think that watercolors will do alot for the atmosphere this book should go for. Was not a big fan of that person’s watercolors.

  4. The water colours weren’t so bad, not all of them. But some were indeed not what I would expect to find in a Requiem sourcebook. So yeah, if you use the same guy let him know to go for something darker, more sorcerous, bloody, blasphemy and sacramenty. 😛


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