- A fair amount of the meeting was trying to work with Rich on getting pictures to work right on the new Kickstarter project page. Flickr doesn’t host photos the same anymore, which broke things, so we tried to use Photobucket instead, with mixed success. I ran out of tricks.
- We talk a bit about continuing to evolve the approval process.
- I got my badge for GenCon, so we talked a little about details for that.
- Children of the Revolution: 10+ artists hired!
- Victorian Lost is in my hands now, and I’m going to go over it for final approval. Hopefully it’ll be out in a couple of weeks at the latest.
- A lot of time was also spent talking about boring business stuff that we can’t share publicly yet.
As a side note, if you’re not already following the various open dev blogs, you should check them out:
Today’s Reason to Drink: On May 10, 1960, Bono was born. Whether you like him or hate him, odds are that’s a reason to drink.
Good news.
About the CotR artists, are they the same folks hired for Blood Sorcery?
And I hate Bono. Today is Kenan Thompson’s birthday, and he is a Georgian, like White Wolf. Now, some Jack & Coke
Last I knew, some of those sites (like Photobucket) didn’t like to be linked to from other sites.
How about Flickr? I think that site still let folks link to its images. Also, you can link images from a Facebook gallery if it comes down to that.
I’m really surprised that you guys can’t FTP into white-wolf.com, or a CCP-owned host and be given a few GB of space for these projects. Heck, maybe a fan here would be willing to host you on their own account/server for a copy?
Otherwise, maybe purchase a domain through GoDaddy, or something, and get a package with some hosting spaces?
Is White Wolf going to have a similar presence at Gen Con this year as they did last year (a 10×10 booth paired with a 10×10 booth with DriveThruRPG), or is there going to be a larger booth, or better location this year? I don’t expect the glory days when White Wolf had 800sq. ft. of floor space, but just curious if you were going to try to be a bit more noticeable this year.
Also, have you and/or Drive Thru RPG had considered a means by which your catalog of PDF and/or PoD products are available, and they can purchase them there at the con (perhaps with some PDF bonus, or ticket other incentive that doesn’t actually cost you anything) and sent to their emails/homes?
Last year you had some limited amounts of hard-copies of PoD titles. I hope that you continue to do this, especially if you have better floor presence at the show.
And perhaps a proof of the W20 book too would be nice to show off as well.
Waiting with antici….pation for more W20 info!
We actually used Flickr first, but they’ve recently changed their policies on direct hosting of images, so we couldn’t use it. Photobucket was the second option.
And with all the CCP web resources being hosted in Iceland, it’s generally just easier to try to find a non-corporate solution.
As far as I know, we’re still going to continue having a presence in conjunction with DriveThruRPG, like last year. I don’t know the details on the booth, though.
Matt said DriveThru have doubled booth suze this year, and gone for one up at the front of the hall near the entrance.
Size, even. Damn ipad
Flickr: Ah, so you did. Had I retained the information while I was typing I would have remembered that. ^.^ Well, hopefully you guys can get it figured out (can you link from an image on Google’s Picasa? It looks tricky since I don’t see a direct URL image immediately, but if you get into the page source, you can find it.)
If you just need access to a directory that you can dump files into, and not necessarily web site design, having a FTP login and username should suffice, I would think. But if it’s easier not to deal with them, and instead look around for other sources to host images on, then you know that better than I, obviously.
I _should_ be a Captain (Sr. Volunteer) again for Gen Con this year, if all things go right. But instead of my usual position at Exhibitor HQ, I’ll be working/running Registration… still, if what Dave says is correct, I’ll be very happy to see White Wolf front and center at the con.
Maybe Picasa might work for you?
Or Google Drive?
Also. Victorian Lost! Squee!
I like Victorian Lost and Bono.
Also, I hope Victorian Lost comes out soon. I rolled the dice and guessed you guys would have it out before Memorial Day weekend, as I’m scheduled to run it at Strategicon in L.A. that weekend.
If not, the kids get my version of Changeling Victorian.
This inability to access white-wolf.com seems sort of crippling. I went there intermittently for six months, expecting to see some sort of change.
I wish I could offer up my own web space up to host the images, but I just don’t have the bandwidth for it.
Any White Wolf events planned for GenCon? I didn’t see any on the event schedule.
At the very least I’ll probably buy you guys a drink.
Flickr is malfunctioning a lot for some of its features and I’m also disappointed. It’s now time to search for another host.