Black Friday Deals 2014

Big sales running this weekend on DriveThruRPG! Check out DTRPG’s Black Friday page for more deals from other publishers.

Changeling: The Dreaming categoryToday Only

510-ScionFriday Through Monday

2 thoughts on “Black Friday Deals 2014”

  1. Aw dang it all… I was sooo hoping to keep from spending money on myself until after the holidays. Oh well, I’m sure my fam and mates will be glad that I got sweet deals on virtual books, and the spouse shall be glad that they don’t require more shelving space!

  2. Changeling: the Dreaming is quite fascinating, thanks for opportunity to help myself to a copy 🙂
    I hope C20 would be every bit as great as the originals, and that you plan to return some of the first edition goodness to the anniversary edition.

    Thank you for Changeling, guys!


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