Canis Minor Spotlight

Today we spotlight one of the Canis Minor releases: Adventurers, Acrobats, and Acolytes by Erykah Fassett. We asked her to tell us a little about her product.

Adventurers, Acrobats, and Acolytes was created to be a resource to help fledgling guides flesh out their campaign settings, making the game accessible to those new to the world of Pugmire by offering a ready-to-go set of characters to help facilitate their first steps into the setting Eddy created.

The aforementioned Adventurers, Acrobats, and Acolytes are the backbone of the three adventuring parties of five characters that guides can use as NPCs or brand new players can use to build their Pugmire adventuring group. With fully-stated sheets, it is a convenient tool-box for guides and players alike. They can also be pre-gens used for one-off Pugmire games that may be run at your next gaming convention!

What I love most about Pugmire is creating new characters, which is why this project was such a joy to create! Being able to draw inspiration from the canines in my life and imagining them and their personalities in this wonderful world? Nothing better than that! On the other hand, I also love Pugmire‘s rich history, fascinating artifacts, and ever-expanding lore which will be the subject of my next project.

Interested in checking it out? It’s only $1.99 right now at DriveThruRPG!

And if you’re wanting to make your own Pugmire PDFs, check out Canis Minor!

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