Release Roundup: February 2022

Welcome to the Release Roundup! Remember, this is where to go to find not just the month’s releases, but also the compiled project status updates for the last month. Look at all that bold in the At Press section! Things are really moving on the Kickstarter front. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Scion: Tales … Read more

Doggies & Draculas 5e [Monday Meeting Notes]

Pretty funny headline, isn’t it? But what if it wasn’t? What if I was serious? What even does that headline mean? It’s actually pretty ambiguous and could be interpreted a few different ways. Like, is it as the art suggests and we’re adding vampires to Pugmire? It could mean that – after all, Pugmire is … Read more

The Mage Mesa [Monday Meeting Notes]

At about ten days before the M20 Lore of the Traditions Kickstarter wraps up, we’re in what we call the “plateau”, that section of the KS where we see a steady but limited sequence of pledges. Soon, that will explode in the final days of the KS, but for now, we’re on the Mage Mesa! … Read more

DR:E For You and Me! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Dystopia Rising: Evolution, that is! As I mentioned last week, all this year we’re celebrating Onyx Path‘s 10 year anniversary by focusing on a different one of our game lines each month. January is the month for Dystopia Rising: Evolution! Here’s a little background: I first began to be aware of Dystopia Rising, the live-action … Read more