Pages of Rages! [Monday Meeting Notes]

The Deluxe W20 Apocalyptic Record Kickstarter closes in on the mid-way point, and we’re about to release another section of the book’s text to backers! I think that happens tomorrow… But it does definitely happen, as we continue our tradition of releasing the complete text to a Kickstarted book during the KS campaign. We want … Read more

In The Red! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Not in a financial sense, though. We’re all still fine in that regard! But in referring to a little bit of internet foolishness that, frankly, I was just going to ignore for today until Impish Ian created the above lovely pastiche graphic. I mean, our motto combined with the logo for the legendary Red List … Read more

EEEK! [Monday Meeting Notes]

EEEK! The sound you make after looking in your inbox after a week’s vacation! Lots of stuff to deal with, including a bunch of things I let wait until I was refreshed from vacay, so I’m going to share a selection with you here today. Some good, some bad – so I’ll start with a … Read more