Legendary! [Monday Meeting Notes]

We’ve had a legendary start to our second Kickstarter for Legendlore! Legendary like any saga where the heroes have false-starts and other challenges before winning their way to glory! If you recall, earlier in our saga, we attempted the first Kickstarter right when the world first realized that Covid-19 was as dangerous as it is. … Read more

Tech-nically Thinking! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Here we are in almost the last week of the Deluxe M20 Technocracy Reloaded Kickstarter, and like all KSs, we’re at that time where pledges start to slow. So we’re thinking about this KS, and our previous ones, and the roster that’s coming up. What works, what doesn’t, and what just makes us wonder. Like, … Read more

Lock(down) & (Re)load! [Monday Meeting Notes]

The M20 Technocracy Reloaded (hence this blog’s title) Kickstarter has kept going strong, and we’re now over 400% funded! We’re all very thrilled by the many sections of the Companion PDF that have been added via Stretch Goals thanks to all of our amazing backers. So, thanks to all of you who’ve already backed – … Read more

Insert Punny Title Here. [Monday Meeting Notes]

(Sometimes, even I have trouble thinking up a general fun title. No real reason, just not connecting to that part of my brain today. Maybe, it’s something to do with that symbol above…) This week our Monday Meeting crew were still talking about the impact of the Corona Virus (go figure), and generally letting off … Read more

Welcome To The Evolution! [Monday Meeting Notes]

This week we’re releasing the core rulebook for Dystopia Rising: Evolution into both stores (the traditionally printed version) and on DriveThruRPG with the PDF and physical book PoD versions. When Mighty Matt McElroy brought up the idea of talking to the DR folks, the only thing I knew about Dystopia Rising was that a fair … Read more