V5 Cults-day Is Tuesday! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Wooo! The Kickstarter for V5 Cults of the Blood Gods is going live tomorrow (or today depending when you read this), Tuesday, December 17th at 2pm Eastern US time! We’re doing this Kickstarter in order to create a traditionally printed book that we’ll print and deliver to backers and overprint more books in order to … Read more

PAX, Mummy, PAX! [Monday Meeting Notes]

This is the last week for the Mummy: The Curse 2e Kickstarter and as that gets “wrapped up” on Thursday we’re going to run right from that to set up our booth at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, PA. Ah, Philly! City of my birth and youth! City of cheesesteaks, soft pretzels, and bad attitudes! I … Read more

Mum(my)’s The Word! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Shhhhh. Mum’s the word! A few weeks ago in this blog, I mentioned that we’re working on a bunch of secret projects that for one reason or the other we can’t announce as yet. But that we’re going to announce during the year as we can, particularly at conventions as we attend them. (Werewolf: The … Read more