Mummy Dearest [Monday Meeting Notes]

So we unwrapped the Kickstarter for Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition and WOW; we funded in less than a day, and it has been shambling along ever since! If you caught last week’s MMN blog, I put up a bunch of bullet points describing the features and changes for this new edition, so please give … Read more

Are You My Mummy? [Monday Meeting Notes]

Tomorrow, Tuesday the 5th, at 2pm EST, we start the Kickstarter campaign for Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition! This is significant, at least to me, because Mummy: The Curse was the first Chronicles of Darkness (still New World of Darkness, then) new line we Kickstarted. We had a blast doing that back in the wild … Read more

We’re All Jelly Donuts? [Monday Meeting Notes]

According to Eddy Izzard, that’s the literal translation of JFK’s famous quote as he entered Berlin during the cold war. I don’t know if Mighty Matt McElroy or Matthew “The Gentleman Gamer” Dawkins issued a similar proclamation as they entered the city for last weekend’s PAX convention, but there they were anyway. Now, it’s a … Read more

The Deviant KS Stands Alone! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Yes, we’re down to the last few days of the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter campaign, and backers have been talking full-time with developer Eric Zawadzki about all the options contained in the previews AND in the Stretch Goal projects. It’s been really great seeing folks come up with how popular (and unpopular, for that matter) … Read more

Deviant Creatures! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Our two Kickstarted projects are rolling right along, with the Deviant: The Renegades KS having recently passed 200% funding and a bunch of Stretch Goals. Backers really seem to be loving just how flexible this game line is – they’re really getting into coming up with media inspirations that fit the game! Then there’s our … Read more

Two Times The Fun! [Monday Meeting Notes]

With the Creature Collection for Scarred Lands 5e Kickstarter funded and scuttling along, and the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter starting this Thursday, we will actually have two KSs running at once for most of their duration. To be fair, the Creature Collection KS is being run by our friends at Handiworks Games (who also created … Read more